[py-svn] r33467 - in py/dist/py/rst: . testing

guido at codespeak.net guido at codespeak.net
Thu Oct 19 17:49:56 CEST 2006

Author: guido
Date: Thu Oct 19 17:49:54 2006
New Revision: 33467

Added some tests, removed some ugly hack (previous_paragraph stuff) to have
the blockquote :: right behind the previous item, in favour of having a less
nice looking result (\n\n:).

Modified: py/dist/py/rst/rst.py
--- py/dist/py/rst/rst.py	(original)
+++ py/dist/py/rst/rst.py	Thu Oct 19 17:49:54 2006
@@ -90,8 +90,6 @@
     def text(self):
         outcome = []
         for child in self.childs:
-            if child.previous_paragraph and len(outcome):
-                outcome[-1] += child.previous_paragraph
         text = self.sep.join(outcome) + "\n" # trailing newline
@@ -102,7 +100,6 @@
     sep = " "
     indent = ""
     width = 80
-    previous_paragraph = ""
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         # make shortcut
@@ -146,19 +143,17 @@
 class BlockQuote(Paragraph):
     indent = " "
-    previous_paragraph = "\n::"
     sep = ""
     def text(self):
         all_txt = AbstractNode.text(self)
         all_txts = all_txt.split("\n")
-        return '%s\n' % ("\n".join([self.indent + i for i in all_txts]),)
+        return '::\n\n%s' % ("\n".join([self.indent + i for i in all_txts]),)
 class Title(Paragraph):
     parentclass = Rest
     belowchar = ""
     abovechar = ""
-    previous_paragraph = None
     def text(self):
         txt = Paragraph.text(self)

Modified: py/dist/py/rst/testing/test_rst.py
--- py/dist/py/rst/testing/test_rst.py	(original)
+++ py/dist/py/rst/testing/test_rst.py	Thu Oct 19 17:49:54 2006
@@ -4,37 +4,84 @@
 from py.__.rst.rst import *
-def test_textgen():
-    assert Rest(Paragraph(Text("dupa"))).text() == "dupa\n"
-    assert Rest(Paragraph(Text("dupa"), Text("dupa"))).text() == "dupa dupa\n"
-    assert Rest(Paragraph(Text("a")), Paragraph(Text("b"))).text() == "a\n\nb\n"
-    assert Rest(Paragraph(Text("a"), indent=" ")).text() == " a\n"
-def test_join():
-    txt = Rest(Paragraph(Text("a b c d e f"), width=3, indent=" ")).text()
-    assert txt == ' a\n b\n c\n d\n e\n f\n'
+def test_illegal_parent():
+    Rest(Paragraph(Text('spam')))
+    py.test.raises(RestError, 'Rest(Text("spam"))')
+    py.test.raises(RestError, 'ListItem(Paragraph(Text("eggs")))')
+def test_text_basic():
+    assert Text("dupa").text() == "dupa"
+def test_text_join():
+    assert Paragraph(Text("dupa"), Text("dupa")).text() == "dupa dupa"
+def test_paragraph_basic():
+    assert Paragraph(Text('spam')).text() == 'spam'
+def test_paragraph_string():
+    assert Paragraph("eggs").text() == "eggs"
+def test_paragraph_join():
+    assert Rest(Paragraph(Text("a")), Paragraph(Text("b"))).text() == (
+            "a\n\nb\n")
+def test_paragraph_indent():
+    assert Paragraph(Text("a"), indent=" ").text() == " a"
+    assert Paragraph(Text("  a "), indent=" ").text() == " a"
+def test_paragraph_width():
+    txt = Paragraph(Text("a b c d e f"), width=3, indent=" ").text()
+    assert txt == ' a\n b\n c\n d\n e\n f'
+    text = """
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
+adipiscing elit. Vestibulum malesuada
+eleifend leo. Sed faucibus commodo libero. 
+Mauris elementum fringilla velit. Ut
+sem urna, aliquet sed, molestie at, viverra 
+id, justo. In ornare lacinia turpis. Etiam 
+et ipsum. Quisque at lacus. Etiam 
+pellentesque, enim porta pulvinar viverra, 
+libero elit iaculis justo, vitae convallis 
+pede purus vel arcu. Morbi aliquam lacus 
+et urna. Donec commodo pellentesque mi.
+    expected = """\
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vestibulum malesuada
+eleifend leo. Sed faucibus commodo libero. Mauris elementum fringilla velit. Ut
+sem urna, aliquet sed, molestie at, viverra id, justo. In ornare lacinia
+turpis. Etiam et ipsum. Quisque at lacus. Etiam pellentesque, enim porta
+pulvinar viverra, libero elit iaculis justo, vitae convallis pede purus vel
+arcu. Morbi aliquam lacus et urna. Donec commodo pellentesque mi."""
+    ret = Paragraph(text, width=80).text()
+    print repr(ret)
+    print repr(expected)
+    assert ret == expected
+def test_paragraph_stripping():
+    txt = Paragraph(Text('\n foo bar\t')).text()
+    assert txt == 'foo bar'
 def test_blockquote():
     expected = """\
  def fun():
     txt = Rest(Paragraph("Text"), BlockQuote("def fun():\n some"), \
-        Paragraph("Paragraph")).text()
+               Paragraph("Paragraph")).text()
     print repr(txt)
     assert txt == expected
 def test_title():
-    assert Rest(Title(Text("Some title"), belowchar="=")).text() == \
-        "Some title\n==========\n"
-    assert Rest(Title(Text("Some title"), belowchar="#", abovechar="#")).text() \
-        == "##########\nSome title\n##########\n"
+    txt = Title(Text("Some title"), belowchar="=").text()
+    assert txt == "Some title\n=========="
+    txt =  Title(Text("Some title"), belowchar="#", abovechar="#").text()
+    assert txt == "##########\nSome title\n##########"
 def test_link():
     expected = "`some link`_\n.. _`some link`: http://codespeak.net\n"

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