[py-svn] r35158 - in py/dist/py/test/rsession: . testing

guido at codespeak.net guido at codespeak.net
Thu Nov 30 15:00:34 CET 2006

Author: guido
Date: Thu Nov 30 15:00:30 2006
New Revision: 35158

Fixed unit test, removed bare except that hid the bug, fixed HTML bug where a
table was a direct child of a table row (not allowed), whitespace fixes.

Modified: py/dist/py/test/rsession/testing/test_webjs.py
--- py/dist/py/test/rsession/testing/test_webjs.py	(original)
+++ py/dist/py/test/rsession/testing/test_webjs.py	Thu Nov 30 15:00:30 2006
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
     assert len(tr.childNodes) == 2
     assert tr.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'TD'
     assert tr.childNodes[0].innerHTML == 'foo.py[0/10]'
-    # XXX this is bad I think! table should be inside td
-    assert tr.childNodes[1].nodeName == 'TABLE'
+    assert tr.childNodes[1].nodeName == 'TD'
+    assert tr.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].nodeName == 'TABLE'
     assert len(tr.childNodes[1].getElementsByTagName('tr')) == 0
 def test_process_two():
@@ -77,11 +77,15 @@
            'fullmodulename': 'modules/foo.py',
            'passed' : 'True',
            'fullitemname' : 'modules/foo.py/test_item',
+           'hostkey': None,
+    print '<html>%s</html>' % (dom.get_document().documentElement.innerHTML,)
     trs = main_t.getElementsByTagName('tr')
     tds = trs[0].getElementsByTagName('td')
-    assert len(tds) == 2
-    # XXX: This assert obviously is true in output code, why it does not work?
-    assert tds[0].innerHTML == 'foo.py[1/10]'
-    assert tds[1].innerHTML == '.'
+    # two cells in the row, one in the table inside one of the cells
+    assert len(tds) == 3
+    html = tds[0].innerHTML
+    assert html == 'foo.py[1/10]'
+    assert tds[2].innerHTML == '.'

Modified: py/dist/py/test/rsession/webjs.py
--- py/dist/py/test/rsession/webjs.py	(original)
+++ py/dist/py/test/rsession/webjs.py	Thu Nov 30 15:00:30 2006
@@ -79,13 +79,17 @@
             short_item_names[msg['fullitemname']] = msg['itemname']
             td.id = '_txt_' + msg['fullitemname']
             #tr.setAttribute("id", msg['fullitemname'])
-            td.setAttribute("onmouseover", "show_info('%s')" % (
-                                                        msg['fullitemname'],))
+            td.setAttribute("onmouseover",
+                            "show_info('%s')" % (msg['fullitemname'],))
             td.setAttribute("onmouseout", "hide_info()")
+            td2 = create_elem('td')
+            tr.appendChild(td2)
             table = create_elem("table")
-            tr.appendChild(table)
-            table.id = msg['fullitemname']
+            td2.appendChild(table)
+            tbody = create_elem('tbody')
+            tbody.id = msg['fullitemname']
+            table.appendChild(tbody)
             counters[msg['fullitemname']] = 0
@@ -93,68 +97,65 @@
         host_elem = dom.get_document().getElementById(msg['hostkey'])
         glob.host_pending[msg['hostkey']].insert(0, msg['fullitemname'])
         count = len(glob.host_pending[msg['hostkey']])
-        host_elem.childNodes[0].nodeValue = glob.host_dict[msg['hostkey']] + '[' +\
-            str(count) + ']'
+        host_elem.childNodes[0].nodeValue = '%s[%s]' % (
+                            glob.host_dict[msg['hostkey']], count)
     elif msg['type'] == 'HostReady':
         host_elem = dom.get_document().getElementById(msg['hostkey'])
         host_elem.style.background = \
-        host_elem.childNodes[0].nodeValue = glob.host_dict[msg['hostkey']] + '[0]'
+        host_elem.childNodes[0].nodeValue = '%s[0]' % (
+                                    glob.host_dict[msg['hostkey']],)
     elif msg['type'] == 'ReceivedItemOutcome':
-        try:
-            module_part = get_elem(msg['fullmodulename'])
-            if not module_part:
-                glob.pending.append(msg)
-                return True
-            if msg['hostkey']:
-                host_elem = dom.get_document().getElementById(msg['hostkey'])
-                glob.host_pending[msg['hostkey']].pop()
-                count = len(glob.host_pending[msg['hostkey']])
-                host_elem.childNodes[0].nodeValue = glob.host_dict[msg['hostkey']] + '[' +\
-                   str(count) + ']'
-            td = create_elem("td")
-            td.setAttribute("onmouseover", "show_info('%s')" % (
-                                                    msg['fullitemname'],))
-            td.setAttribute("onmouseout", "hide_info()")
-            item_name = msg['fullitemname']
-            # TODO: dispatch output
-            if msg["passed"] == 'True':
-                txt = create_text_elem(".")
-                td.appendChild(txt)
-            elif msg["skipped"] != 'None':
-                exported_methods.show_skip(item_name, skip_come_back)
-                link = create_elem("a")
-                link.setAttribute("href", "javascript:show_skip('%s')" % (
-                                                    msg['fullitemname'],))
-                txt = create_text_elem('s')
-                link.appendChild(txt)
-                td.appendChild(link)
-            else:
-                link = create_elem("a")
-                link.setAttribute("href", "javascript:show_traceback('%s')" % (
-                                                    msg['fullitemname'],))
-                txt = create_text_elem('F')
-                link.appendChild(txt)
-                td.appendChild(link)
-                exported_methods.show_fail(item_name, fail_come_back)
-            if counters[msg['fullmodulename']] % MAX_COUNTER == 0:
-                tr = create_elem("tr")
-                module_part.appendChild(tr)
-            name = msg['fullmodulename']
-            counters[name] += 1
-            counter_part = get_elem('_txt_' + name)
-            counter_part.childNodes[0].nodeValue = "%s[%d/%d]" % (
-                    short_item_names[name], counters[name], max_items[name])
-            module_part.childNodes[-1].appendChild(td)
-        except:
-            dom.get_document().getElementById("testmain").innerHTML += \
-                                                    "some error"
+        module_part = get_elem(msg['fullmodulename'])
+        if not module_part:
+            glob.pending.append(msg)
+            return True
+        if msg['hostkey']:
+            host_elem = dom.get_document().getElementById(msg['hostkey'])
+            glob.host_pending[msg['hostkey']].pop()
+            count = len(glob.host_pending[msg['hostkey']])
+            host_elem.childNodes[0].nodeValue = '%s[%s]' % (
+                            glob.host_dict[msg['hostkey']], count)
+        td = create_elem("td")
+        td.setAttribute("onmouseover", "show_info('%s')" % (
+                                                msg['fullitemname'],))
+        td.setAttribute("onmouseout", "hide_info()")
+        item_name = msg['fullitemname']
+        # TODO: dispatch output
+        if msg["passed"] == 'True':
+            txt = create_text_elem(".")
+            td.appendChild(txt)
+        elif msg["skipped"] != 'None':
+            exported_methods.show_skip(item_name, skip_come_back)
+            link = create_elem("a")
+            link.setAttribute("href", "javascript:show_skip('%s')" % (
+                                                msg['fullitemname'],))
+            txt = create_text_elem('s')
+            link.appendChild(txt)
+            td.appendChild(link)
+        else:
+            link = create_elem("a")
+            link.setAttribute("href", "javascript:show_traceback('%s')" % (
+                                                msg['fullitemname'],))
+            txt = create_text_elem('F')
+            link.appendChild(txt)
+            td.appendChild(link)
+            exported_methods.show_fail(item_name, fail_come_back)
+        if counters[msg['fullmodulename']] % MAX_COUNTER == 0:
+            tr = create_elem("tr")
+            module_part.appendChild(tr)
+        name = msg['fullmodulename']
+        counters[name] += 1
+        counter_part = get_elem('_txt_' + name)
+        newcontent = "%s[%d/%d]" % (short_item_names[name], counters[name],
+                                    max_items[name])
+        counter_part.childNodes[0].nodeValue = newcontent
+        module_part.childNodes[-1].appendChild(td)
     elif msg['type'] == 'TestFinished':
         dom.get_document().title = "Py.test [FINISHED]"
         dom.get_document().getElementById("Tests").childNodes[0].nodeValue = \
@@ -202,7 +203,8 @@
     set_msgbox(item_name, data)
 def fail_come_back(msg):
-    tracebacks[msg['item_name']] = (msg['traceback'], msg['stdout'], msg['stderr'])
+    tracebacks[msg['item_name']] = (msg['traceback'], msg['stdout'],
+                                    msg['stderr'])
 def skip_come_back(msg):
     skips[msg['item_name']] = msg['reason']

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