[py-svn] r34859 - in py/dist/py/test/rsession: . testing

guido at codespeak.net guido at codespeak.net
Wed Nov 22 14:30:54 CET 2006

Author: guido
Date: Wed Nov 22 14:30:53 2006
New Revision: 34859

Cleanup and improvements of the ReST reporter. More will follow, however
currently executing 'py.test --rest > output.rst' should at least result in a
parsable document with test results and exceptions.

Modified: py/dist/py/test/rsession/reporter.py
--- py/dist/py/test/rsession/reporter.py	(original)
+++ py/dist/py/test/rsession/reporter.py	Wed Nov 22 14:30:53 2006
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
         # XXX: Testing purposes only
         return 'localhost'
+    def get_item_name(self, event, colitem):
+        return "/".join(colitem.listnames())
     def report(self, what):
         repfun = getattr(self, "report_" + what.__class__.__name__, 

Modified: py/dist/py/test/rsession/rest.py
--- py/dist/py/test/rsession/rest.py	(original)
+++ py/dist/py/test/rsession/rest.py	Wed Nov 22 14:30:53 2006
@@ -4,34 +4,54 @@
 import py
 import sys
+from StringIO import StringIO
 from py.__.test.rsession.reporter import AbstractReporter
 from py.__.rest.rst import *
 class RestReporter(AbstractReporter):
     def report_unknown(self, what):
-        print "Unknown report: %s" % what
+        self.add_rest(Paragraph("Unknown report: %s" % what))
+    def report_SendItem(self, item):
+        address = self.get_host(item)
+        if self.config.option.verbose:
+            self.add_rest(Paragraph('sending item %s to %s' % (item.item,
+                                                               address)))
+    def report_HostRSyncing(self, item):
+        self.add_rest(LiteralBlock('%10s: RSYNC ==> %s' % (item.hostname[:10],
+                                                        item.remoterootpath)))
+    def report_HostReady(self, item):
+        self.add_rest(LiteralBlock('%10s: READY' % (item.hostname[:10],)))
     def report_TestStarted(self, event):
-        txt = "Test started, hosts: %s" % ", ".join(event.hosts)
-        print Title(txt, abovechar='=', belowchar='=').text() + "\n"
+        txt = "Running tests on hosts: %s" % ", ".join(event.hosts)
+        self.add_rest(Title(txt, abovechar='=', belowchar='='))
         self.timestart = event.timestart
+    def report_TestFinished(self, item):
+        self.timeend = item.timeend
+        self.summary()
+    def report_ImmediateFailure(self, item):
+        pass
     def report_ItemStart(self, event):
         item = event.item
-        print
         if isinstance(item, py.test.collect.Module):
             lgt = len(list(item.tryiter()))
-            name = "/".join(item.listnames())
+            lns = item.listnames()
+            name = "/".join(lns)
             txt = 'Testing module %s (%d items)' % (name, lgt)
-            print Title(txt, belowchar='-').text()
+            self.add_rest(Title(txt, belowchar='-'))
     def print_summary(self, total, skipped_str, failed_str):
-        print "\n"
-        txt = "%d test run%s%s in %.2fs (rsync: %.2f)" % \
+        txt = "%d tests run%s%s in %.2fs (rsync: %.2f)" % \
             (total, skipped_str, failed_str, self.timeend - self.timestart,
              self.timersync - self.timestart)
-        print Title(txt, belowchar="=").text()
+        self.add_rest(Title(txt, belowchar='-'))
     def report_ReceivedItemOutcome(self, event):
         host = self.get_host(event)
         if event.outcome.passed:
@@ -46,7 +66,20 @@
             self.failed[host] += 1
             # we'll take care of them later
-        sshhost = self.get_host(event)
-        itempath = " ".join(event.item.listnames()[1:])
-        print ListItem(Text("%10s: %s %s" %(sshhost[:10], status, itempath))).text()
+        lns = event.item.listnames()[1:]
+        for i, ln in enumerate(lns):
+            if i > 0 and ln != '()':
+                lns[i] = '/%s' % (ln,)
+        itempath = ''.join(lns)
+        self.add_rest(ListItem(Text("%10s:" % (host[:10],)), Strong(status),
+                               Text(itempath)))
+        if event.outcome.excinfo:
+            excinfo = event.outcome.excinfo
+            self.add_rest(Paragraph('exception:', Strong(excinfo.typename)))
+            self.add_rest(LiteralBlock(excinfo.value))
+            self.add_rest(LiteralBlock('\n'.join([str(x) for x in
+                                                  excinfo.traceback])))
+    def add_rest(self, item):
+        self.out.write('%s\n\n' % (item.text(),))

Modified: py/dist/py/test/rsession/testing/test_rest.py
--- py/dist/py/test/rsession/testing/test_rest.py	(original)
+++ py/dist/py/test/rsession/testing/test_rest.py	Wed Nov 22 14:30:53 2006
@@ -5,6 +5,133 @@
 import py
 from py.__.test.rsession.testing.test_reporter import AbstractTestReporter
 from py.__.test.rsession.rest import RestReporter
+from py.__.rest.rst import *
+class RestTestReporter(RestReporter):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        if args:
+            super(RestReporter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+class Container(object):
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
+class TestRestUnits(object):
+    def setup_method(self, method):
+        config, args = py.test.Config.parse(["some_sub"])
+        config.option.verbose = False
+        method.im_func.func_globals['reporter'] = r = RestReporter(config,
+                                                                ['localhost'])
+        method.im_func.func_globals['stdout'] = s = py.std.StringIO.StringIO()
+        r.out = s # XXX will need to become a real reporter some time perhaps?
+    def test_report_unknown(self):
+        reporter.report_unknown('foo')
+        assert stdout.getvalue() == 'Unknown report\\: foo\n\n'
+    def test_report_SendItem(self):
+        item = Container(item='foo/bar.py', channel=False)
+        reporter.report_SendItem(item)
+        assert stdout.getvalue() == ''
+        stdout.seek(0)
+        stdout.truncate()
+        reporter.config.option.verbose = True
+        reporter.report_SendItem(item)
+        assert stdout.getvalue() == ('sending item foo/bar.py to '
+                                     'localhost\n\n')
+    def test_report_HostRSyncing(self):
+        item = Container(hostname='localhost', remoterootpath='/foo/bar')
+        reporter.report_HostRSyncing(item)
+        assert stdout.getvalue() == ('::\n\n   localhost: RSYNC ==> '
+                                     '/foo/bar\n\n')
+    def test_report_HostReady(self):
+        item = Container(hostname='localhost')
+        reporter.report_HostReady(item)
+        assert stdout.getvalue() == '::\n\n   localhost: READY\n\n'
+    def test_report_TestStarted(self):
+        event = Container(hosts=['localhost', 'foo.com'], timestart=0)
+        reporter.report_TestStarted(event)
+        assert stdout.getvalue() == """\
+Running tests on hosts\: localhost, foo.com
+    def test_report_ItemStart(self):
+        class FakeModule(py.test.collect.Module):
+            def __init__(self):
+                pass
+            def tryiter(self):
+                return ['test_foo', 'test_bar']
+            def listnames(self):
+                return ['foo', 'bar.py']
+        event = Container(item=FakeModule())
+        reporter.report_ItemStart(event)
+        assert stdout.getvalue() == """\
+Testing module foo/bar.py (2 items)
+    def test_print_summary(self):
+        reporter.timestart = 10
+        reporter.timeend = 20
+        reporter.timersync = 15
+        reporter.print_summary(10, '', '')
+        assert stdout.getvalue() == """\
+10 tests run in 10.00s (rsync\: 5.00)
+    def test_ReceivedItemOutcome_PASSED(self):
+        outcome = Container(passed=True, excinfo=False)
+        item = Container(listnames=lambda: ['', 'foo.py', 'bar', '()', 'baz'])
+        event = Container(channel=False, outcome=outcome, item=item)
+        reporter.report_ReceivedItemOutcome(event)
+        assert stdout.getvalue() == ('* localhost\\: **PASSED** '
+                                     'foo.py/bar()/baz\n\n')
+    def test_ReceivedItemOutcome_SKIPPED(self):
+        outcome = Container(passed=False, skipped=True, excinfo=False)
+        item = Container(listnames=lambda: ['', 'foo.py', 'bar', '()', 'baz'])
+        event = Container(channel=False, outcome=outcome, item=item)
+        reporter.report_ReceivedItemOutcome(event)
+        assert stdout.getvalue() == ('* localhost\\: **SKIPPED** '
+                                     'foo.py/bar()/baz\n\n')
+    def test_ReceivedItemOutcome_FAILED(self):
+        excinfo = Container(typename='FooError', value='a foo has occurred',
+                            traceback=['  in foo in line 1, in foo:',
+                                       '    bar()',
+                                       '  in bar in line 4, in bar:',
+                                       ('    raise FooError("a foo has '
+                                        'occurred")')])
+        outcome = Container(passed=False, skipped=False, excinfo=excinfo)
+        item = Container(listnames=lambda: ['', 'foo.py', 'bar', '()', 'baz'])
+        event = Container(channel=False, outcome=outcome, item=item)
+        reporter.report_ReceivedItemOutcome(event)
+        assert stdout.getvalue() == """\
+* localhost\: **FAILED** foo.py/bar()/baz
+exception\: **FooError**
+  a foo has occurred
+    in foo in line 1, in foo:
+      bar()
+    in bar in line 4, in bar:
+      raise FooError("a foo has occurred")
 class TestRestReporter(AbstractTestReporter):
     reporter = RestReporter
@@ -19,4 +146,29 @@
 - localhost\\: FAILED py test rsession testing test\\_slave.py funcpass
 - localhost\\: PASSED py test rsession testing test\\_slave.py funcpass
-        assert val == expected
+        print repr(val)
+        expected_start = """\
+* localhost\: **FAILED** py/test/rsession/testing/test\_slave.py/funcpass
+* localhost\: **SKIPPED** py/test/rsession/testing/test\_slave.py/funcpass
+* localhost\: **FAILED** py/test/rsession/testing/test\_slave.py/funcpass
+exception\\: **ZeroDivisionError**
+  integer division or modulo by zero
+        expected_end = """
+* localhost\: **PASSED** py/test/rsession/testing/test\_slave.py/funcpass
+        assert val.startswith(expected_start)
+        assert val.endswith(expected_end)

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