[py-svn] r35813 - in py/dist/py: . magic magic/testing

stephan at codespeak.net stephan at codespeak.net
Fri Dec 15 17:42:44 CET 2006

Author: stephan
Date: Fri Dec 15 17:42:42 2006
New Revision: 35813

removed the coroutine interface by public demand

Modified: py/dist/py/__init__.py
--- py/dist/py/__init__.py	(original)
+++ py/dist/py/__init__.py	Fri Dec 15 17:42:42 2006
@@ -81,7 +81,6 @@
     'magic.autopath'         : ('./magic/autopath.py', 'autopath'),
     'magic.View'             : ('./magic/viewtype.py', 'View'),
     'magic.AssertionError'   : ('./magic/assertion.py', 'AssertionError'),
-    'magic.coroutine'         : ('./magic/coroutine.py', 'coroutine'),
     # python inspection/code-generation API
     'code.compile'           : ('./code/source.py', 'compile_'),

Deleted: /py/dist/py/magic/coroutine.py
--- /py/dist/py/magic/coroutine.py	Fri Dec 15 17:42:42 2006
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-This is a thin wrapper around the greenlet module to provide the
-coroutine interface as used in pypy.
->>> from py.magic import coroutine
->>> def f(txt, coro=None):
-...     print txt,
-...     if coro is not None:
-...             coro.switch()
->>> coro1 = coroutine()
->>> coro2 = coroutine()
->>> coro1.bind(f,'hello',coro2)
->>> coro2.bind(f,'world')
->>> coro1.switch()
-hello world
-    from functools import partial
-except ImportError: # we are not running python 2.5
-    class partial(object):
-        # just enough of 'partial' to be usefull
-        def __init__(self, func, *argl, **argd):
-            self.func = func
-            self.argl = argl
-            self.argd = argd
-        def __call__(self):
-            return self.func(*self.argl, **self.argd)
-from py.magic import greenlet
-reg = {}
-class coroutine(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._frame = greenlet()
-        reg[self._frame] = self
-    def __getattr__(self, attr):
-        return getattr(self._frame, attr)
-    def bind(self, func, *argl, **argd):
-        if self._frame.dead:
-            self._frame = greenlet()
-        if hasattr(self._frame, 'run') and self._frame.run:
-            raise ValueError("cannot bind a bound coroutine")
-        self._frame.run = partial(func, *argl, **argd)
-    def switch(self):
-        return greenlet.switch(self._frame)
-    def kill(self):
-        self._frame.throw()
-    @property
-    def is_zombie(self):
-        return self._frame.dead
-    @property
-    def is_alive(self):
-        return not self._frame.dead
-    @staticmethod
-    def getcurrent():
-        return reg[greenlet.getcurrent()]
-maincoro = coroutine()
-maingreenlet = greenlet.getcurrent()
-maincoro._frame = maingreenlet
-reg[maingreenlet] = maincoro
-del maincoro
-del maingreenlet

Deleted: /py/dist/py/magic/testing/test_coroutine.py
--- /py/dist/py/magic/testing/test_coroutine.py	Fri Dec 15 17:42:42 2006
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-from py.magic import coroutine
-from py.test import skip, raises
-class Test_Coroutine:
-    def test_is_zombie(self):
-        co = coroutine()
-        def f():
-            print 'in coro'
-        co.bind(f)
-        assert not co.is_zombie
-    def test_raise_propagate(self):
-        co = coroutine()
-        def f():
-            return 1/0
-        co.bind(f)
-        try:
-            co.switch()
-        except ZeroDivisionError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            raise AssertionError("exception not propagated")
-    def test_strange_test(self):
-        def f():
-            return 42
-        def create():
-            b = coroutine()
-            b.bind(f)
-            b.switch()
-            return b
-        a = coroutine()
-        a.bind(create)
-        b = a.switch()
-        def nothing():
-            pass
-        a.bind(nothing)
-        def kill():
-            a.kill()
-        b.bind(kill)
-        b.switch()
-    def test_kill(self):
-        co = coroutine()
-        def f():
-            pass
-        co.bind(f)
-        assert co.is_alive
-        co.kill()
-        assert not co.is_alive
-    def test_bogus_bind(self):
-        co = coroutine()
-        def f():
-            pass
-        co.bind(f)
-        raises(ValueError, co.bind, f)
-    def test_simple_task(self):
-        maintask = coroutine.getcurrent()
-        def f():pass
-        co = coroutine()
-        co.bind(f)
-        co.switch()
-        assert not co.is_alive
-        assert maintask is coroutine.getcurrent()
-    def test_backto_main(self):
-        maintask = coroutine.getcurrent()
-        def f(task):
-            task.switch()
-        co = coroutine()
-        co.bind(f,maintask)
-        co.switch()
-    def test_wrapped_main(self):
-        class mwrap(object):
-            def __init__(self, coro):
-                self._coro = coro
-            def __getattr__(self, attr):
-                return getattr(self._coro, attr)
-        maintask = mwrap(coroutine.getcurrent())
-        def f(task):
-            task.switch()
-        co = coroutine()
-        co.bind(f,maintask)
-        co.switch()

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