[py-svn] r31588 - py/branch/distributed/py/test/rsession

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Thu Aug 24 12:20:07 CEST 2006

Author: hpk
Date: Thu Aug 24 12:20:05 2006
New Revision: 31588

(fijal, hpk) make the RSession basically work

Modified: py/branch/distributed/py/test/rsession/rsession.py
--- py/branch/distributed/py/test/rsession/rsession.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/distributed/py/test/rsession/rsession.py	Thu Aug 24 12:20:05 2006
@@ -23,15 +23,21 @@
     def main(self, args):
         """ main loop for running tests. """
-        colitems = self._map2colitems(args) 
+        if not args: 
+            args = [py.path.local()]
+        pkgdir = self.getpkgdir(args[0])
+        colitems = self.make_colitems(args, baseon=pkgdir.dirpath())
         sshhosts = self.config.getinitialvalue("disthosts")
-        relpath = "pytestcache"
-        pkgdir = getrootdir(args)
-        nodes = init_hosts(self.report, sshhosts, relpath, pkgdir)
+        destrelpath = "pytestcache"
+        nodes = init_hosts(self.report, sshhosts, destrelpath, pkgdir)
-        # XXX: We're just ignoring errors from the tryiter, so skipped tests
-        #      does not appear in output
-        itemgenerator = colitems[0].tryiter()
+        def itemgen():
+            for x in colitems: 
+                for y in x.tryiter():
+                    yield y 
+        itemgenerator = itemgen() 
         #assert 0, "\n".join([",".join(x.listnames()) for x in list(itemgenerator)])
         dispatch_loop(nodes, itemgenerator, lambda : False)
         teardown_hosts(self.report, [node.channel for node in nodes])
@@ -41,6 +47,7 @@
         # the target paths by joining the basenames 
         res = []
         for x in paths: 
+            x = py.path.local(x)
             current = py.test.collect.Directory(baseon)  
             relparts = x.relto(baseon).split(x.sep) 
             assert relparts 

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