[py-svn] r31507 - in py/branch/distributed/py/test: rsession testing

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Tue Aug 22 21:09:47 CEST 2006

Author: hpk
Date: Tue Aug 22 21:09:39 2006
New Revision: 31507

(fijal, hpk) hacking and cleaning up a bit to make RSession work a bit. 

Modified: py/branch/distributed/py/test/rsession/master.py
--- py/branch/distributed/py/test/rsession/master.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/distributed/py/test/rsession/master.py	Tue Aug 22 21:09:39 2006
@@ -41,8 +41,9 @@
 _rsync = py.path.local.sysfind("rsync")
 def bin_rsync(source, sshaddress, destpath):
-    rsync.execute("-az", "--delete", "--exclude=.svn", 
-                  source, sshaddress + ":" + str(destpath))
+    print "rsyncing", source, "to", sshaddress, destpath 
+    _rsync.sysexec("-az", "--delete", "--exclude=.svn", 
+                  str(source), sshaddress + ":" + str(destpath))
 def setup_slave(gateway, destpath):
     from py.__.test.rsession import slave 

Modified: py/branch/distributed/py/test/rsession/rsession.py
--- py/branch/distributed/py/test/rsession/rsession.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/distributed/py/test/rsession/rsession.py	Tue Aug 22 21:09:39 2006
@@ -4,14 +4,6 @@
     def __init__(self, config):
         self.config = config
-    def start(self, colitem):
-        print "starting colitem", colitem
-    def finish(self, colitem, outcome):
-        print "finishing colitem", colitem, "outcome", outcome 
 class RSession(object):
         An RSession executes collectors/items through a runner. 
@@ -19,110 +11,24 @@
     def __init__(self, config): 
         self.config = config 
-        self.report = Reporter(config)
+    def report(self, *whatever):
+        print whatever 
     def main(self, args): 
         """ main loop for running tests. """
-        colitems = self._map2colitems(args) 
-        print "hello world" 
-        print colitems 
-        raise SystemExit, 1
-        count = 0
-        while colitems: 
-            colitem = colitems.pop()
-            self.runtraced(colitem)
-            if len(self.results) < count: 
-                time.sleep(0.1)
-    def runtraced(self, colitem):
-        outcome = None 
-        colitem.startcapture() 
-        try: 
-            self.report.predispatch(colitem)
-            self.dispatch(colitem) 
-            self.report.postdispatch(colitem) 
-            try: 
-                try:
-                    outcome = self.run(colitem) 
-                except (KeyboardInterrupt, Exit): 
-                    raise 
-                except colitem.Outcome, outcome: 
-                    if outcome.excinfo is None: 
-                        outcome.excinfo = py.code.ExceptionInfo() 
-                except: 
-                    excinfo = py.code.ExceptionInfo() 
-                    outcome = colitem.Failed(excinfo=excinfo) 
-                assert (outcome is None or 
-                        isinstance(outcome, (list, colitem.Outcome)))
-            finally: 
-                self.finish(colitem, outcome) 
-            if isinstance(outcome, colitem.Failed) and self.config.option.exitfirst:
-                py.test.exit("exit on first problem configured.", item=colitem)
-        finally: 
-            colitem.finishcapture()
-    def run(self, colitem): 
-        if self.config.option.collectonly and isinstance(colitem, py.test.Item): 
-            return 
-        if isinstance(colitem, py.test.Item): 
-            self.skipbykeyword(colitem)
-        res = colitem.run() 
-        if res is None: 
-            return py.test.Item.Passed() 
-        elif not isinstance(res, (list, tuple)): 
-            raise TypeError("%r.run() returned neither "
-                            "list, tuple nor None: %r" % (colitem, res))
-        else: 
-            finish = self.startiteration(colitem, res)
-            try: 
-                for name in res: 
-                    obj = colitem.join(name) 
-                    assert obj is not None 
-                    self.runtraced(obj) 
-            finally: 
-                if finish: 
-                    finish() 
-        return res 
-    def skipbykeyword(self, colitem): 
-        keyword = self.config.option.keyword
-        if not keyword: 
-            return 
-        chain = colitem.listchain()
-        for key in filter(None, keyword.split()): 
-            eor = key[:1] == '-' 
-            if eor: 
-                key = key[1:]
-            if not (eor ^ self._matchonekeyword(key, chain)): 
-                py.test.skip("test not selected by keyword %r" %(keyword,))
-    def _matchonekeyword(self, key, chain): 
-        for subitem in chain: 
-            if subitem.haskeyword(key): 
-                return True 
-        return False
-    def _map2colitems(items): 
-        # first convert all path objects into collectors 
-        from py.__.test.collect import getfscollector 
-        colitems = []
-        for item in items: 
-            if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): 
-                colitems.extend(Session._map2colitems(item))
-            elif not isinstance(item, py.test.collect.Collector): 
-                colitems.append(getfscollector(item))
-            else:
-                colitems.append(item)
-        return colitems 
-    _map2colitems = staticmethod(_map2colitems) 
-class Exit(Exception):
-    """ for immediate program exits without tracebacks and reporter/summary. """
-    def __init__(self, msg="unknown reason", item=None):
-        self.msg = msg 
-        Exception.__init__(self, msg)
-def exit(msg, item=None): 
-    raise Exit(msg=msg, item=item)
+        from py.__.test.terminal.remote import getrootdir
+        from py.__.test.rsession.master import (
+            setup_slave, bin_rsync, MasterNode)
+        #colitems = self._map2colitems(args) 
+        sshhosts = self.config.getinitialvalue("disthosts")
+        relpath = "pytestcache"
+        rootdir = getrootdir(args)
+        nodes = []
+        for host in sshhosts: 
+            bin_rsync(rootdir, host, relpath)
+            gw = py.execnet.SshGateway(host)
+            ch = setup_slave(gw, relpath) 
+            nodes.append(MasterNode(ch, self.report))
+        print "INITIALIZED, dying now ..."

Modified: py/branch/distributed/py/test/testing/test_collect.py
--- py/branch/distributed/py/test/testing/test_collect.py	(original)
+++ py/branch/distributed/py/test/testing/test_collect.py	Tue Aug 22 21:09:39 2006
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
     assert x.name == "filetest.py"
     x = col1.getitembynames("/".join(l[1:]))
     assert x.name == "filetest.py"
+    l2 = x.listnames()
+    assert len(l2) == 3
 def test_finds_tests(): 
     fn = datadir / 'filetest.py'

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