[py-svn] r7013 - in py/dist/py: . misc

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Mon Oct 18 22:34:11 CEST 2004

Author: hpk
Date: Mon Oct 18 22:34:10 2004
New Revision: 7013

   py/dist/py/misc/   (props changed)
      - copied unchanged from r6999, py/dist/py/test_api.py
      - copied unchanged from r6999, py/dist/py/test_initpkg.py
moved some stuff into a separate directory to clean up
the top level and getter better filename completion 
on py/test :-) 

Added: py/dist/py/misc/__init__.py
--- (empty file)
+++ py/dist/py/misc/__init__.py	Mon Oct 18 22:34:10 2004
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Deleted: /py/dist/py/test_api.py
--- /py/dist/py/test_api.py	Mon Oct 18 22:34:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-from py.test import raises
-import py
-import sys
-import inspect
-class API_V0_namespace_consistence:
-    def test_path_entrypoints(self):
-        assert inspect.ismodule(py.path) 
-        assert_class('py.path', 'local')
-        assert_class('py.path', 'svnwc')
-        assert_class('py.path', 'svnurl')
-        assert_class('py.path', 'py')
-        assert_class('py.path', 'checker')
-        assert_class('py.path', 'invchecker')
-        assert_class('py.path', 'NotFound')
-        assert_class('py.path', 'Denied')
-    def test_magic_entrypoints(self):
-        assert_class('py.magic', 'View')
-        assert_function('py.magic', 'invoke')
-        assert_function('py.magic', 'revoke')
-        assert_function('py.magic', 'patch')
-        assert_function('py.magic', 'revoke')
-        assert inspect.ismodule(py.magic.dyncode) 
-        assert_function('py.magic.dyncode', 'compile') 
-        assert_function('py.magic.dyncode', 'compile2') 
-        assert_function('py.magic.dyncode', 'findsource') 
-        assert_function('py.magic.dyncode', 'getsource') 
-        assert_function('py.magic.dyncode', 'listtb') 
-        assert_function('py.magic.dyncode', 'findsource') 
-    def test_process_entrypoints(self):
-        assert_function('py.process', 'cmdexec') 
-    def test_utest_entrypoints(self):
-        assert_function('py.test', 'main') 
-        #assert_module('std.utest', 'collect') 
-def assert_class(modpath, name):
-    mod = __import__(modpath, None, None, [name])
-    obj = getattr(mod, name) 
-    fullpath = modpath + '.' + name
-    assert obj.__module__ == modpath 
-    if sys.version_info >= (2,3):
-        assert obj.__name__ == name
-def assert_function(modpath, name):
-    mod = __import__(modpath, None, None, [name])
-    obj = getattr(mod, name) 
-    assert hasattr(obj, 'func_doc') 
-    #assert obj.func_name == name

Deleted: /py/dist/py/test_initpkg.py
--- /py/dist/py/test_initpkg.py	Mon Oct 18 22:34:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-import py
-import types
-def test_dir():
-    for name in dir(py):
-        if not name.startswith('_'):
-            obj = getattr(py, name)
-            if isinstance(obj, types.ModuleType):
-                keys = dir(obj) 
-                assert len(keys) > 0 
-                assert getattr(obj, '__map__')  == {}
-def test_virtual_module_identity():
-    from py import path as path1
-    from py import path as path2
-    assert path1 is path2 
-    from py.path import local as local1
-    from py.path import local as local2
-    assert local1 is local2
-def test_importing_all_implementations():
-    base = py.path.local(py.__file__).dirpath()
-    for p in base.visit('*.py', py.path.checker(dotfile=0)):
-        relpath = p.new(ext='').relto(base) 
-        if base.sep in relpath: # not std/*.py itself 
-            if relpath.find('test/data') != -1: 
-                continue
-            if relpath.find('bin/') != -1: 
-                continue
-            relpath = relpath.replace(base.sep, '.') 
-            modpath = 'py.__impl__.%s' % relpath 
-            assert __import__(modpath) 
-def test_shahexdigest(): 
-    hex = py.__package__.shahexdigest() 
-    assert len(hex) == 40
-def test_getzipdata():
-    s = py.__package__.getzipdata()
-# the following test should abasically work in the future 
-def XXXtest_virtual_on_the_fly():
-    py.initpkg('my', {
-        'x.abspath' : 'os.path.abspath', 
-        'x.local'   : 'py.path.local',
-        'y'   : 'smtplib', 
-        'z.cmdexec'   : 'py.process.cmdexec', 
-    })
-    from my.x import abspath
-    from my.x import local 
-    import smtplib 
-    from my import y
-    assert y is smtplib 
-    from my.z import cmdexec
-    from py.process import cmdexec as cmdexec2
-    assert cmdexec is cmdexec2
-##def test_help():
-#    help(std.path) 
-#    #assert False

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