[py-svn] r6999 - py/dist/py/path/extpy

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Mon Oct 18 04:06:01 CEST 2004

Author: hpk
Date: Mon Oct 18 04:06:01 2004
New Revision: 6999

      - copied unchanged from r6998, py/dist/py/path/extpy/inc_test_fspy.py
      - copied, changed from r6998, py/dist/py/path/extpy/test_fspy.py
and some more fspy renames

Deleted: /py/dist/py/path/extpy/inc_test_fspy.py
--- /py/dist/py/path/extpy/inc_test_fspy.py	Mon Oct 18 04:06:01 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-class A:
-    x1 = 42
-    def func(self):
-        pass
-class B:
-    x2 = 23 
-class Nested:
-    class Class:
-        def borgfunc(self): pass

Copied: py/dist/py/path/extpy/test_extpy.py (from r6998, py/dist/py/path/extpy/test_fspy.py)
--- py/dist/py/path/extpy/test_fspy.py	(original)
+++ py/dist/py/path/extpy/test_extpy.py	Mon Oct 18 04:06:01 2004
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
 from py.__impl__.path.test import common 
-mypath = py.magic.autopath().dirpath('inc_test_fspy.py') 
+mypath = py.magic.autopath().dirpath('inc_test_extpy.py') 
-class TestFsPyCommonTests(common.CommonPathTests):
+class TestExtPyCommonTests(common.CommonPathTests):
     def setup_class(cls):
         cls.root = py.path.extpy(
-class TestFsPy: 
+class TestExtPy: 
     def setup_class(cls):
         cls.root = py.path.extpy(mypath) 

Deleted: /py/dist/py/path/extpy/test_fspy.py
--- /py/dist/py/path/extpy/test_fspy.py	Mon Oct 18 04:06:01 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-import sys, os
-import py 
-from py.__impl__.path.test import common 
-mypath = py.magic.autopath().dirpath('inc_test_fspy.py') 
-class TestFsPyCommonTests(common.CommonPathTests):
-    def setup_class(cls):
-        cls.root = py.path.extpy(
-                      py.magic.autopath().dirpath('inc_pseudofs.py'))
-class TestFsPy: 
-    def setup_class(cls):
-        cls.root = py.path.extpy(mypath) 
-    def test_join(self):
-        p = self.root.join('A')
-        obj = p.resolve()
-        assert hasattr(obj, '__bases__')
-        assert obj.x1 == 42
-    def test_listdir_module(self):
-        l = self.root.listdir()
-        basenames = [x.basename for x in l]
-        dlist = dir(self.root.getmodule()) 
-        for name in dlist:
-            assert name in basenames
-        for name in basenames:
-            assert name in dlist
-    def test_listdir_class(self):
-        l = self.root.join('A').listdir()
-        basenames = [x.basename for x in l]
-        dlist = dir(self.root.getmodule().A) 
-        for name in dlist:
-            assert name in basenames
-        for name in basenames:
-            assert name in dlist
-    def listobj(self):
-        l = self.root.listobj(basestarts='path')
-        assert len(l) == 1
-        assert l[0] == path 
-    def test_visit(self):
-        l = list(self.root.visit(py.path.checker(basename='borgfunc')))
-        assert len(l) == 1
-        obj = l[0]
-        assert str(obj).endswith('Nested.Class.borgfunc') 
-        assert obj.resolve() == self.root.getmodule().Nested.Class.borgfunc 
-    def test_visit_fnmatch(self):
-        l = list(self.root.visit('borg*')) 
-        assert len(l) == 1
-        obj = l[0]
-        assert str(obj).endswith('Nested.Class.borgfunc') 
-        assert obj.resolve() == self.root.getmodule().Nested.Class.borgfunc 
-    #def test_join_from_empty(self):
-    #    p = path.py('') 
-    #    n = p.join('tokenize')
-    #    assert str(n) == 'tokenize'
-    #
-    #    p = path.py('', ns=os) 
-    #    n = p.join('getlogin')
-    #    assert str(n) == 'getlogin'
-    #def test_unspecifiedpypath_lists_modules(self):
-    #    p = path.py('') 
-    #    l = p.listdir()
-    #    for i in l:
-    #        assert '.' not in str(i)
-    #
-    #    for j in sys.modules:
-    #        for i in l:
-    #            if j.startswith(str(i)):
-    #                break
-    #        else:
-    #            self.fail("%s is not in sys.modules")
-    #def test_main_works(self):
-    #    m = path.py('__main__') 
-    #    import __main__
-    #    assert m.resolve() is __main__
-    def test_relto(self):
-        m1 = self.root.new(modpath='a.b.c.d') 
-        m2 = self.root.new(modpath='a.b')
-        m3 = self.root.new(modpath='') 
-        res = m1.relto(m2)
-        assert str(res) == 'c.d'
-        assert m2.relto(m3) == 'a.b' 
-    def test_basename(self):
-        m1 = self.root.new(modpath='a.b.hello') 
-        assert m1.basename == 'hello'
-        assert m1.check(basename='hello')
-        assert not m1.check(basename='nono')
-        assert m1.check(basestarts='he')
-        assert not m1.check(basestarts='42')
-    def test_dirpath(self):
-        m1 = self.root.new(modpath='a.b.hello')
-        m2 = self.root.new(modpath='a.b') 
-        m3 = self.root.new(modpath='a') 
-        m4 = self.root.new(modpath='') 
-        assert m1.dirpath() == m2 
-        assert m2.dirpath() == m3 
-        assert m3.dirpath() == m4 
-    def test_function(self):
-        p = self.root.join('A.func') 
-        assert p.check(func=1)
-        p = self.root.join('A.x1') 
-        assert p.check(func=0)
-    def test_hashing_equality(self):
-        x = self.root
-        y = self.root.new() 
-        assert x == y 
-        assert hash(x) == hash(y) 
-    def test_parents(self):
-        x = self.root.new(modpath='os.path.abspath') 
-        l = x.parts() 
-        assert len(l) == 4 
-        assert self.root.join('') == l[0]
-        assert self.root.join('os') == l[1]
-        assert self.root.join('os.path') == l[2]
-        assert self.root.join('os.path.abspath') == l[3]
-class TestEval:
-    disabled = True
-    def test_funccall(self):
-        p = path.py('os.path.join("a", "b")')
-        s = p.resolve()
-        assert s == os.path.join("a", "b")
-    def test_invalid1(self):
-        p = path.py('os.path.qwe("a", "b")')
-        s = test.raises(path.NotFound, "p.resolve()")
-    def test_syntaxerror(self):
-        p = path.py('os.path.qwe("a", ')
-        s = test.raises(ValueError, "p.resolve()")
-class TestErrors: 
-    def test_FileNotFound(self):
-        p = py.path.extpy(mypath, 'somesuch') 
-        py.test.raises(py.path.NotFound, p.resolve)
-    def test_FileNotFound_really(self):
-        p = py.path.extpy(mypath.new(basename='notexist'), 'somesuch') 
-        py.test.raises(py.path.NotFound, p.resolve)
-    #def test_ImportError():
-    #    p = path.py('__std.utest.test.data.failingimport.someattr') 
-    #    utest.raises(ImportError, p.resolve)
-class ExampleClass:
-    testattr = 1

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