[py-svn] r6940 - in py/dist/py: . execnet magic path path/local path/pypath path/svn path/svnwc process test test/report test/tool

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Thu Oct 14 22:00:11 CEST 2004

Author: hpk
Date: Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
New Revision: 6940

      - copied unchanged from r6931, py/dist/py/execnet/gateway_test.py
      - copied unchanged from r6931, py/dist/py/execnet/source_test.py
      - copied unchanged from r6931, py/dist/py/magic/assertion_test.py
      - copied unchanged from r6934, py/dist/py/magic/autopath_test.py
      - copied unchanged from r6931, py/dist/py/magic/dyncode_test.py
      - copied unchanged from r6931, py/dist/py/magic/exprinfo_test.py
      - copied, changed from r6931, py/dist/py/magic/invoke_test.py
      - copied unchanged from r6931, py/dist/py/magic/patch_test.py
      - copied unchanged from r6931, py/dist/py/magic/viewtype_test.py
      - copied unchanged from r6934, py/dist/py/path/local/local_test.py
      - copied unchanged from r6931, py/dist/py/path/pypath/pypath_test.py
      - copied, changed from r6934, py/dist/py/path/svn/command_test.py
      - copied unchanged from r6934, py/dist/py/path/svnwc/command_test.py
      - copied, changed from r6931, py/dist/py/path/api_test.py
      - copied unchanged from r6931, py/dist/py/process/cmdexec_test.py
      - copied unchanged from r6931, py/dist/py/test/report/memo_test.py
      - copied unchanged from r6931, py/dist/py/test/collect_test.py
      - copied unchanged from r6931, py/dist/py/test/compat_test.py
      - copied unchanged from r6931, py/dist/py/test/config_test.py
      - copied unchanged from r6931, py/dist/py/test/raises_test.py
      - copied unchanged from r6931, py/dist/py/test/tool/outerrcapture_test.py
      - copied unchanged from r6931, py/dist/py/api_test.py
      - copied unchanged from r6931, py/dist/py/initpkg_test.py
- move XX_test.py to test_XX.py for all testfiles. 
  i was getting tired of having "completion" collissions 
  and it seems more consistent to always require a 
  test or "Test" prefix for test files, classes and methods 

Deleted: /py/dist/py/api_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/api_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-from py.test import raises
-import py
-import sys
-import inspect
-class API_V0_namespace_consistence:
-    def test_path_entrypoints(self):
-        assert inspect.ismodule(py.path) 
-        assert_class('py.path', 'local')
-        assert_class('py.path', 'svnwc')
-        assert_class('py.path', 'svnurl')
-        assert_class('py.path', 'py')
-        assert_class('py.path', 'checker')
-        assert_class('py.path', 'invchecker')
-        assert_class('py.path', 'NotFound')
-        assert_class('py.path', 'Denied')
-    def test_magic_entrypoints(self):
-        assert_class('py.magic', 'View')
-        assert_function('py.magic', 'invoke')
-        assert_function('py.magic', 'revoke')
-        assert_function('py.magic', 'patch')
-        assert_function('py.magic', 'revoke')
-        assert inspect.ismodule(py.magic.dyncode) 
-        assert_function('py.magic.dyncode', 'compile') 
-        assert_function('py.magic.dyncode', 'compile2') 
-        assert_function('py.magic.dyncode', 'findsource') 
-        assert_function('py.magic.dyncode', 'getsource') 
-        assert_function('py.magic.dyncode', 'listtb') 
-        assert_function('py.magic.dyncode', 'findsource') 
-    def test_process_entrypoints(self):
-        assert_function('py.process', 'cmdexec') 
-    def test_utest_entrypoints(self):
-        assert_function('py.test', 'main') 
-        #assert_module('std.utest', 'collect') 
-def assert_class(modpath, name):
-    mod = __import__(modpath, None, None, [name])
-    obj = getattr(mod, name) 
-    fullpath = modpath + '.' + name
-    assert obj.__module__ == modpath 
-    if sys.version_info >= (2,3):
-        assert obj.__name__ == name
-def assert_function(modpath, name):
-    mod = __import__(modpath, None, None, [name])
-    obj = getattr(mod, name) 
-    assert hasattr(obj, 'func_doc') 
-    #assert obj.func_name == name

Deleted: /py/dist/py/execnet/gateway_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/execnet/gateway_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-import os, sys
-import py 
-from py.__impl__.execnet.source import Source
-from py.__impl__.execnet import gateway 
-mypath = py.magic.autopath() 
-from StringIO import StringIO
-class TestMessage:
-    def test_wire_protocol(self):
-        for cls in gateway.Message._types.values():
-            one = StringIO()
-            cls(42, '23').writeto(one) 
-            two = StringIO(one.getvalue())
-            msg = gateway.Message.readfrom(two)
-            assert isinstance(msg, cls) 
-            assert msg.channelid == 42 
-            assert msg.data == '23'
-            assert isinstance(repr(msg), str)
-            # == "<Message.%s channelid=42 '23'>" %(msg.__class__.__name__, )
-class TestChannel:
-    def setup_method(self, method):
-        self.fac = gateway.ChannelFactory(None)
-    def test_factory_create(self):
-        chan1 = self.fac.new()
-        assert chan1.id == 1
-        chan2 = self.fac.new()
-        assert chan2.id == 3
-    def test_factory_getitem(self):
-        chan1 = self.fac.new()
-        assert self.fac[chan1.id] == chan1 
-        chan2 = self.fac.new()
-        assert self.fac[chan2.id] == chan2
-    def test_factory_delitem(self):
-        chan1 = self.fac.new()
-        assert self.fac[chan1.id] == chan1 
-        del self.fac[chan1.id]
-        py.test.raises(KeyError, self.fac.__getitem__, chan1.id)
-    def test_factory_setitem(self):
-        channel = gateway.Channel(None, 12)
-        self.fac[channel.id] = channel
-        assert self.fac[channel.id] == channel 
-    def test_channel_timeouterror(self):
-        channel = self.fac.new() 
-        py.test.raises(IOError, channel.waitclose, timeout=0.01)
-    def test_channel_close(self):
-        channel = self.fac.new()
-        channel._close() 
-        channel.waitclose(0.1)
-    def test_channel_close_error(self):
-        channel = self.fac.new()
-        channel._close("error") 
-        py.test.raises(gateway.RemoteError, channel.waitclose, 0.01) 
-class PopenGatewayTestSetup: 
-    def setup_class(cls):
-        cls.gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway() 
-    def teardown_class(cls):
-        cls.gw.exit()  
-class BasicRemoteExecution: 
-    def test_correct_setup(self):
-        assert self.gw.workerthreads and self.gw.iothreads 
-    def test_remote_exec_waitclose(self): 
-        channel = self.gw.remote_exec('pass') 
-        channel.waitclose(timeout=3.0) 
-    def test_remote_exec_channel_anonymous(self):
-        channel = self.gw.remote_exec('''
-                    obj = channel.receive()
-                    channel.send(obj)
-                  ''')
-        channel.send(42)
-        result = channel.receive()
-        assert result == 42
-    def test_channel_close_and_then_receive_error(self):
-        channel = self.gw.remote_exec('raise ValueError')
-        py.test.raises(gateway.RemoteError, channel.receive) 
-    def test_channel_close_and_then_receive_error_multiple(self):
-        channel = self.gw.remote_exec('channel.send(42) ; raise ValueError')
-        import time
-        time.sleep(0.1)
-        x = channel.receive()
-        assert x == 42 
-        py.test.raises(gateway.RemoteError, channel.receive) 
-class TestBasicPopenGateway(PopenGatewayTestSetup, BasicRemoteExecution): 
-    def test_many_popen(self):
-        num = 4
-        l = []
-        for i in range(num):
-            l.append(py.execnet.PopenGateway())
-        channels = []
-        for gw in l: 
-            channel = gw.remote_exec("""channel.send(42)""")
-            channels.append(channel)
-        try:
-            while channels: 
-                channel = channels.pop()
-                try:
-                    ret = channel.receive()
-                    assert ret == 42
-                finally:
-                    channel.gateway.exit()
-        finally:
-            for x in channels: 
-                x.gateway.exit()
-class SocketGatewaySetup:
-    def setup_class(cls):
-        portrange = (7770, 7800)
-        cls.proxygw = py.execnet.PopenGateway() 
-        socketserverbootstrap = Source( 
-            mypath.dirpath('bin', 'startserver.py').read(), 
-            """
-            import socket 
-            portrange = channel.receive() 
-            for i in portrange: 
-                try:
-                    sock = bind_and_listen(("localhost", i))
-                except socket.error: 
-                    print "got error"
-                    import traceback
-                    traceback.print_exc()
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    channel.send(i) 
-                    startserver(sock)
-                    break
-            else:
-                channel.send(None) 
-    """)
-        # open a gateway to a fresh child process 
-        cls.proxygw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
-        # execute asynchronously the above socketserverbootstrap on the other
-        channel = cls.proxygw.remote_exec(socketserverbootstrap) 
-        # send parameters for the for-loop
-        channel.send((7770, 7800)) 
-        #
-        # the other side should start the for loop now, we
-        # wait for the result
-        #
-        cls.listenport = channel.receive() 
-        if cls.listenport is None: 
-            raise IOError, "could not setup remote SocketServer"
-        cls.gw = py.execnet.SocketGateway('localhost', cls.listenport) 
-        print "initialized socket gateway on port", cls.listenport 
-    def teardown_class(cls):
-        print "trying to tear down remote socket gateway" 
-        cls.gw.exit() 
-        if cls.gw.port: 
-            print "trying to tear down remote socket loop" 
-            import socket
-            sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-            sock.connect(('localhost', cls.listenport))
-            sock.sendall('"raise KeyboardInterrupt"') 
-            sock.shutdown(2) 
-        print "trying to tear proxy gateway" 
-        cls.proxygw.exit() 
-class TestSocketGateway(SocketGatewaySetup, BasicRemoteExecution): 
-    pass

Modified: py/dist/py/execnet/register.py
--- py/dist/py/execnet/register.py	(original)
+++ py/dist/py/execnet/register.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 import py
 from py.__impl__.execnet import inputoutput, gateway
 class InstallableGateway(gateway.Gateway):
     """ initialize gateways on both sides of a inputoutput object. """

Deleted: /py/dist/py/execnet/source_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/execnet/source_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-from py.__impl__.execnet.source import Source
-def test_source_str_function():
-    x = Source("3")
-    assert str(x) == "3" 
-    x = Source("   3")
-    assert str(x) == "3" 
-    x = Source("""
-        3
-    """) 
-    assert str(x) == "3" 
-def test_source_indent_simple():
-    source = Source("raise ValueError")
-    source.putaround(
-        "try:", 
-      """
-        except ValueError:
-            x = 42
-        else:
-            x = 23""")
-    assert str(source)=="""\
-    raise ValueError
-except ValueError:
-    x = 42
-    x = 23"""
-def XXXtest_source_indent_simple():
-    x = StrSource("x=3")
-    assert not x.isindented()
-    x.indent("try:", "except: pass")
-    assert x.read() == "try:\n    x=3\nexcept: pass"
-    #x.indent("try:", 
-    #       """except:

Deleted: /py/dist/py/initpkg_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/initpkg_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-import py
-import types
-def test_dir():
-    for name in dir(py):
-        if not name.startswith('_'):
-            obj = getattr(py, name)
-            if isinstance(obj, types.ModuleType):
-                keys = dir(obj) 
-                assert len(keys) > 0 
-                assert getattr(obj, '__map__')  == {}
-def test_virtual_module_identity():
-    from py import path as path1
-    from py import path as path2
-    assert path1 is path2 
-    from py.path import local as local1
-    from py.path import local as local2
-    assert local1 is local2
-def test_importing_all_implementations():
-    base = py.path.local(py.__file__).dirpath()
-    for p in base.visit('*.py', py.path.checker(dotfile=0)):
-        relpath = p.new(ext='').relto(base) 
-        if base.sep in relpath: # not std/*.py itself 
-            if relpath.find('test/data') != -1: 
-                continue
-            if relpath.find('bin/') != -1: 
-                continue
-            relpath = relpath.replace(base.sep, '.') 
-            modpath = 'py.__impl__.%s' % relpath 
-            assert __import__(modpath) 
-def test_shahexdigest(): 
-    hex = py.__package__.shahexdigest() 
-    assert len(hex) == 40
-def test_getzipdata():
-    s = py.__package__.getzipdata()
-# the following test should abasically work in the future 
-def XXXtest_virtual_on_the_fly():
-    py.initpkg('my', {
-        'x.abspath' : 'os.path.abspath', 
-        'x.local'   : 'py.path.local',
-        'y'   : 'smtplib', 
-        'z.cmdexec'   : 'py.process.cmdexec', 
-    })
-    from my.x import abspath
-    from my.x import local 
-    import smtplib 
-    from my import y
-    assert y is smtplib 
-    from my.z import cmdexec
-    from py.process import cmdexec as cmdexec2
-    assert cmdexec is cmdexec2
-##def test_help():
-#    help(std.path) 
-#    #assert False

Deleted: /py/dist/py/magic/assertion_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/magic/assertion_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-from py.test import main
-from py.__impl__.magic import assertion
-def f():
-    return 2
-def test_assert():
-    assertion.invoke()
-    try:
-        try:
-            assert f() == 3
-        except AssertionError, e:
-            s = str(e)
-            assert s.startswith('assert 2 == 3\n')
-    finally:
-        assertion.revoke()
-def test_assert_multiline_1():
-    assertion.invoke()
-    try:
-        try:
-            assert (f() ==
-                    3)
-        except AssertionError, e:
-            s = str(e)
-            assert s.startswith('assert 2 == 3\n')
-    finally:
-        assertion.revoke()
-def test_assert_multiline_2():
-    assertion.invoke()
-    try:
-        try:
-            assert (f() == (4,
-                       3)[-1])
-        except AssertionError, e:
-            s = str(e)
-            assert s.startswith('assert 2 ==')
-    finally:
-        assertion.revoke()

Deleted: /py/dist/py/magic/autopath_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/magic/autopath_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-import py 
-import sys
-class TestAutoPath: 
-    getauto = "from py.magic import autopath ; autopath = autopath()" 
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.root = py.test.config.tmpdir.ensure('autoconfigure', dir=1) 
-        self.initdir = self.root.ensure('pkgdir', dir=1)
-        self.initdir.ensure('__init__.py') 
-        self.initdir2 = self.initdir.ensure('initdir2', dir=1) 
-        self.initdir2.ensure('__init__.py') 
-    def test_import_autoconfigure__file__with_init(self):
-        testpath = self.initdir2 / 'autoconfiguretest.py'
-        d = {'__file__' : str(testpath)}
-        oldsyspath = sys.path[:]
-        try:
-            exec self.getauto in d 
-            conf = d['autopath']
-            assert conf.dirpath() == self.initdir2
-            assert conf.pkgdir == self.initdir 
-            assert str(self.root) in sys.path 
-            exec self.getauto in d 
-            assert conf is not d['autopath']
-        finally:
-            sys.path[:] = oldsyspath 
-    def test_import_autoconfigure__file__with_py_exts(self):
-        for ext in '.pyc', '.pyo': 
-            testpath = self.initdir2 / ('autoconfiguretest' + ext)
-            d = {'__file__' : str(testpath)}
-            oldsyspath = sys.path[:]
-            try:
-                exec self.getauto in d 
-                conf = d['autopath']
-                assert conf == self.initdir2.join('autoconfiguretest.py') 
-                assert conf.pkgdir == self.initdir 
-                assert str(self.root) in sys.path 
-                exec self.getauto in d 
-                assert conf is not d['autopath']
-            finally:
-                sys.path[:] = oldsyspath 
-    def test_import_autoconfigure___file__without_init(self):
-        testpath = self.root / 'autoconfiguretest.py'
-        d = {'__file__' : str(testpath)}
-        oldsyspath = sys.path[:]
-        try:
-            exec self.getauto in d 
-            conf = d['autopath']
-            assert conf.dirpath() == self.root
-            assert conf.pkgdir == self.root
-            syspath = sys.path[:]
-            assert str(self.root) in syspath 
-            exec self.getauto in d 
-            assert conf is not d['autopath']
-        finally:
-            sys.path[:] = oldsyspath 
-    def test_import_autoconfigure__nofile(self):
-        p = self.initdir2 / 'autoconfiguretest.py' 
-        oldsysarg = sys.argv
-        sys.argv = [str(p)]
-        oldsyspath = sys.path[:]
-        try:
-            d = {}
-            exec self.getauto in d
-            conf = d['autopath']
-            assert conf.dirpath() == self.initdir2
-            assert conf.pkgdir == self.initdir
-            syspath = sys.path[:]
-            assert str(self.root) in syspath 
-        finally:
-            sys.path[:] = oldsyspath 
-            sys.argv = sys.argv 
-    def test_import_autoconfigure__nofile_interactive(self):
-        oldsysarg = sys.argv
-        sys.argv = ['']
-        oldsyspath = sys.path[:]
-        try:
-            py.test.raises(ValueError,'''
-                d = {}
-                exec self.getauto in d
-            ''') 
-        finally:
-            sys.path[:] = oldsyspath 
-            sys.argv = sys.argv 

Deleted: /py/dist/py/magic/dyncode_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/magic/dyncode_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-#print "dyncode_test: __name__ ==", __name__
-from py import test
-from py.__impl__.magic import dyncode 
-def test_dyncode_trace():
-    source = """
-        def f():
-            raise ValueError
-    """
-    co = dyncode.compile2(source)
-    exec co 
-    excinfo = test.raises(ValueError, f)
-    filename, lineno = dyncode.tbinfo(excinfo[2])
-    line = dyncode.getline(filename, lineno)
-    assert line.strip() == 'raise ValueError'
-def test_dyncode_trace_multiple():
-    test_dyncode_trace()
-    test_dyncode_trace()
-def test_unique_filenames():
-    fn1 = dyncode._makedynfilename('fn','source')
-    fn2 = dyncode._makedynfilename('fn','source')
-    assert fn1 != fn2
-def test_syntaxerror_rerepresentation():
-    ex = test.raises(SyntaxError, dyncode.compile2, 'x x')[1]
-    assert ex.lineno == 1
-    assert ex.offset == 3
-    assert ex.text.strip(), 'x x'
-def test_getfuncsource_dynamic():
-    source = """
-        def f():
-            raise ValueError
-        def g(): pass
-    """
-    co = dyncode.compile2(source)
-    exec co 
-    source = dyncode.getsource(f)
-    assert dyncode.getsource(f) == 'def f():\n    raise ValueError\n'
-    assert dyncode.getsource(g) == 'def g(): pass\n'
-def test_getpyfile():
-    fn = dyncode.getpyfile(dyncode)
-    assert os.path.exists(fn)
-def test_getstartingblock_singleline():
-    class A:
-        def __init__(self, *args):
-            frame = sys._getframe(1)
-            self.source = dyncode.getparseablestartingblock(frame)
-    x = A('x', 'y') 
-    l = [i for i in x.source.split('\n') if i.strip()]
-    assert len(l) == 1
-def test_getstartingblock_multiline():
-    class A:
-        def __init__(self, *args):
-            frame = sys._getframe(1)
-            self.source = dyncode.getparseablestartingblock(frame)
-    x = A('x', 
-          'y' \
-          , 
-          'z') 
-    l = [i for i in x.source.split('\n') if i.strip()]
-    assert len(l) == 4
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    test.main()

Deleted: /py/dist/py/magic/exprinfo_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/magic/exprinfo_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-from py.test import main
-from py.__impl__.magic.exprinfo import getmsg, interpret
-def getexcinfo(exc, obj, *args, **kwargs):
-    try:
-        obj(*args, **kwargs)
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-        raise
-    except exc:
-        return sys.exc_info()
-    else:
-        raise AssertionError, "%r(*%r, **%r) did not raise" %(
-            obj, args, kwargs)
-def test_assert_exprinfo():
-    def g():
-        a = 1
-        b = 2
-        assert a == b
-    excinfo = getexcinfo(AssertionError, g)
-    msg = getmsg(excinfo)
-    assert msg == 'AssertionError: assert 1 == 2'
-def global_f():
-    return 42
-def test_exprinfo_funccall():
-    def g():
-        assert global_f() == 43
-    excinfo = getexcinfo(AssertionError, g)
-    msg = getmsg(excinfo)
-    assert msg == 'AssertionError: assert 42 == 43\n +  where 42 = global_f()'
-def test_keyboard_interrupt():
-    # XXX this test is slightly strange because it is not
-    # clear that "interpret" should execute "raise" statements
-    # ... but it apparently currently does and it's nice to 
-    # exercise the code because the exprinfo-machinery is 
-    # not much executed when all tests pass ... 
-    class DummyFrame: 
-        f_globals = f_locals = {}
-    for exstr in "SystemExit", "KeyboardInterrupt", "MemoryError":
-        ex = eval(exstr) 
-        try:
-            interpret("raise %s" % exstr, DummyFrame) 
-        except ex: 
-            pass
-        else:
-            raise AssertionError, "ex %s didn't pass through" %(exstr, )

Deleted: /py/dist/py/magic/invoke_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/magic/invoke_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-import __builtin__ as bltin 
-from py.magic import invoke, revoke
-from py.test import raises
-import inspect
-def check_dyncode():
-    co = compile('x=3', 'bogus', 'exec') 
-    s = inspect.getfile(co) 
-    assert s
-    line = inspect.getsource(co) 
-    assert line.strip() == "x=3" 
-def check_assertion():
-    excinfo = raises(AssertionError, "assert 1 == 2")
-    value = excinfo[1]
-    print value
-    assert str(value) == "assert 1 == 2" 
-def test_invoke_dyncode():
-    old = compile
-    invoke(dyncode=True)
-    try:
-        assert compile != old 
-        check_dyncode()
-    finally:
-        revoke(dyncode=True) 
-def test_invoke_assertion():
-    invoke(assertion=True)
-    try:
-        check_assertion()
-    finally:
-        revoke(assertion=True)

Deleted: /py/dist/py/magic/patch_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/magic/patch_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-from py.test import raises 
-from py.magic import patch, revert 
-def test_patch_revert():
-    class a:
-        pass
-    raises(AttributeError, "patch(a, 'i', 42)")
-    a.i = 42
-    patch(a, 'i', 23) 
-    assert a.i == 23
-    revert(a, 'i') 
-    assert a.i == 42
-def test_double_patch():    
-    class a:
-        i = 42
-    assert patch(a, 'i', 2) == 42
-    assert patch(a, 'i', 3) == 2
-    assert a.i == 3
-    assert revert(a, 'i') == 3
-    assert a.i == 2
-    assert revert(a, 'i') == 2
-    assert a.i == 42
-def test_valueerror():
-    class a:
-        i = 2
-        pass
-    raises(ValueError, "revert(a, 'i')")

Copied: py/dist/py/magic/test_invoke.py (from r6931, py/dist/py/magic/invoke_test.py)
--- py/dist/py/magic/invoke_test.py	(original)
+++ py/dist/py/magic/test_invoke.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 import __builtin__ as bltin 
-from py.magic import invoke, revoke
-from py.test import raises
+import py 
 import inspect
 def check_dyncode():
@@ -11,24 +10,24 @@
     assert line.strip() == "x=3" 
 def check_assertion():
-    excinfo = raises(AssertionError, "assert 1 == 2")
+    excinfo = py.test.raises(AssertionError, "assert 1 == 2")
     value = excinfo[1]
     print value
     assert str(value) == "assert 1 == 2" 
 def test_invoke_dyncode():
     old = compile
-    invoke(dyncode=True)
+    py.magic.invoke(dyncode=True)
         assert compile != old 
-        revoke(dyncode=True) 
+        py.magic.revoke(dyncode=True) 
 def test_invoke_assertion():
-    invoke(assertion=True)
+    py.magic.invoke(assertion=True)
-        revoke(assertion=True)
+        py.magic.revoke(assertion=True)

Deleted: /py/dist/py/magic/viewtype_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/magic/viewtype_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-from py import test
-from py.magic import View
-def test_class_dispatch():
-    ### Use a custom class hierarchy with existing instances
-    class Picklable(View):
-        pass
-    class Simple(Picklable):
-        __view__ = object
-        def pickle(self):
-            return repr(self.__obj__)
-    class Seq(Picklable):
-        __view__ = list, tuple, dict
-        def pickle(self):
-            return ';'.join([Picklable(item).pickle() for item in self.__obj__])
-    class Dict(Seq):
-        __view__ = dict
-        def pickle(self):
-            return Seq.pickle(self) + '!' + Seq(self.values()).pickle()
-    assert Picklable(123).pickle() == '123'
-    assert Picklable([1,[2,3],4]).pickle() == '1;2;3;4'
-    assert Picklable({1:2}).pickle() == '1!2' 
-def test_custom_class_hierarchy():
-    ### Use a custom class hierarchy based on attributes of existing instances
-    class Operation:
-        "Existing class that I don't want to change."
-        def __init__(self, opname, *args):
-            self.opname = opname
-            self.args = args
-    existing = [Operation('+', 4, 5),
-                Operation('getitem', '', 'join'),
-                Operation('setattr', 'x', 'y', 3),
-                Operation('-', 12, 1)]
-    class PyOp(View):
-        def __viewkey__(self):
-            return self.opname
-        def generate(self):
-            return '%s(%s)' % (self.opname, ', '.join(map(repr, self.args)))
-    class PyBinaryOp(PyOp):
-        __view__ = ('+', '-', '*', '/')
-        def generate(self):
-            return '%s %s %s' % (self.args[0], self.opname, self.args[1])
-    codelines = [PyOp(op).generate() for op in existing]
-    assert codelines == ["4 + 5", "getitem('', 'join')", "setattr('x', 'y', 3)", "12 - 1"]

Deleted: /py/dist/py/path/api_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/path/api_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-from py import path, test
-from py.__impl__.path.svnwc.command_test import getrepowc 
-class TestAPI:
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.root = test.config.tmpdir.ensure('local', dir=1)
-    def repr_eval_test(self, p):
-        r = repr(p)
-        from py.path import local,svnurl, svnwc, py
-        y = eval(r)
-        assert y == p 
-    def test_defaultlocal(self):
-        p = path.local()
-        assert hasattr(p, 'atime')
-        assert hasattr(p, 'group')
-        assert hasattr(p, 'setmtime')
-        assert p.check()
-        assert p.check(local=1)
-        assert p.check(svnwc=0)
-        assert not p.check(svnwc=1)
-        self.repr_eval_test(p)
-        #assert p.std.path()
-    def test_xlocal(self):
-        p = path.local()
-        assert hasattr(p, 'atime')
-        assert hasattr(p, 'setmtime')
-        assert p.check()
-        assert p.check(local=1)
-        self.repr_eval_test(p)
-    def test_svnurl(self):
-        p = path.svnurl('http://codespeak.net/svn/py.path')
-        assert p.check(svnurl=1)
-        self.repr_eval_test(p)
-    def test_svnwc(self):
-        p = path.svnwc(self.root) 
-        assert p.check(svnwc=1)
-        self.repr_eval_test(p)
-    def test_passing_svnurl(self):
-        repourl, rootwc = getrepowc()
-        p = path.svnurl(repourl) 
-        assert p.check()
-        w = path.svnwc(None, p) 
-        self.repr_eval_test(p)
-    def test_pypath(self):
-        p = path.py('smtplib.SMTP') 
-        self.repr_eval_test(p)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    test.main()

Deleted: /py/dist/py/path/local/local_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/path/local/local_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-import sys, os
-from py.test import main, raises, config 
-from py.path import local, checker
-from py.__impl__.path.test.commonfs import CommonFSTests, setuptestfs 
-class TestLocalPath(CommonFSTests):
-    def __init__(self):
-        print "tmpdir is", config.tmpdir
-        self.root = config.tmpdir / 'local'
-        self.root.ensure(dir=1)
-        setuptestfs(self.root)
-    def test_initialize_curdir(self):
-        assert str(local()) == os.getcwd()
-    def test_initialize_reldir(self):
-        curdir = os.curdir
-        try:
-            os.chdir(str(self.root))
-            p = local('samplefile')
-            assert p.check()
-        finally:
-            os.chdir(curdir)
-    def test_eq_with_strings(self):
-        path1 = self.root.join('sampledir')
-        path2 = str(path1)
-        assert path1 == path2
-        assert path2 == path1
-        path3 = self.root.join('samplefile')
-        assert path3 != path2 
-        assert path2 != path3
-    def test_dump(self):
-        import tempfile
-        try:
-            fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp()
-            f = os.fdopen(fd)
-        except AttributeError:
-            name = tempfile.mktemp()
-            f = open(name, 'w+')
-        try:
-            d = {'answer' : 42}
-            path = local(name)
-            path.dumpobj(d)
-            from cPickle import load
-            dnew = load(f)
-            assert d == dnew
-        finally:
-            f.close()
-            os.remove(name)
-    def test_setmtime(self):
-        import tempfile
-        import time
-        try:
-            fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp()
-            os.close(fd)
-        except AttributeError:
-            name = tempfile.mktemp()
-            open(name, 'w').close()
-        try:
-            mtime = int(time.time())-100
-            path = local(name)
-            assert path.mtime() != mtime
-            path.setmtime(mtime)
-            assert path.mtime() == mtime
-            path.setmtime()
-            assert path.mtime() != mtime
-        finally:
-            os.remove(name)
-    def test_normpath(self):
-        new1 = self.root.join("/otherdir")
-        new2 = self.root.join("otherdir")
-        assert str(new1) == str(new2)
-    def test_mkdtemp_creation(self):
-        d = local.mkdtemp()
-        try:
-            assert d.check(dir=1)
-        finally:
-            d.remove(rec=1)
-    def test_tmproot(self):
-        d = local.mkdtemp()
-        tmproot = local.get_temproot()
-        try:
-            assert d.check(dir=1)
-            assert d.dirpath() == tmproot
-        finally:
-            d.remove(rec=1)
-    def test_ensure_filepath_withdir(self):
-        tmpdir = local.mkdtemp()
-        try:
-            newfile = tmpdir.join('test1','test2')
-            newfile.ensure()
-            assert newfile.check(file=1)
-        finally:
-            tmpdir.remove(rec=1)
-    def test_ensure_filepath_withoutdir(self):
-        tmpdir = local.mkdtemp()
-        try:
-            newfile = tmpdir.join('test1')
-            t = newfile.ensure()
-            assert t == newfile
-            assert newfile.check(file=1)
-        finally:
-            tmpdir.remove(rec=1)
-    def test_ensure_dirpath(self):
-        tmpdir = local.mkdtemp()
-        try:
-            newfile = tmpdir.join('test1','test2')
-            t = newfile.ensure(dir=1)
-            assert t == newfile
-            assert newfile.check(dir=1)
-        finally:
-            tmpdir.remove(rec=1)
-    def test_mkdir(self):
-        tmpdir = local.mkdtemp()
-        try:
-            new = tmpdir.join('test1')
-            new.mkdir()
-            assert new.check(dir=1)
-            new = tmpdir.mkdir('test2')
-            assert new.check(dir=1)
-            assert tmpdir.join('test2') == new
-        finally:
-            tmpdir.remove(rec=1)
-    def test_chdir(self):
-        import os
-        old = local() 
-        tmpdir = local.mkdtemp()
-        try:
-            res = tmpdir.chdir()
-            assert str(res) == str(old)
-            assert os.getcwd() == str(tmpdir)
-        finally:
-            old.chdir()
-            tmpdir.remove(rec=1)
-class TestPOSIXLocalPath:
-    #root = local(TestLocalPath.root)
-    disabled = sys.platform == 'win32'
-    def __init__(self):
-        print "tmpdir is", config.tmpdir
-        self.root = config.tmpdir / 'local'
-        self.root.ensure(dir=1)
-        setuptestfs(self.root)
-    def test_hardlink(self):
-        tmpdir = local(local.mkdtemp())
-        try:
-            linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
-            filepath = tmpdir.join('file')
-            filepath.write("Hello")
-            linkpath.mklinkto(filepath)
-            assert filepath.read() == linkpath.read()
-        finally:
-            tmpdir.remove(rec=1)
-    def test_symlink_are_identical(self):
-        tmpdir = local(local.mkdtemp())
-        try:
-            filepath = tmpdir.join('file')
-            filepath.write("Hello")
-            linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
-            linkpath.mksymlinkto(filepath)
-            assert filepath.read() == linkpath.read()
-        finally:
-            tmpdir.remove(rec=1)
-    def test_symlink_isfile(self):
-        tmpdir = local(local.mkdtemp())
-        try:
-            linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
-            filepath = tmpdir.join('file')
-            filepath.write("")
-            linkpath.mksymlinkto(filepath)
-            assert linkpath.check(file=1)
-            assert not linkpath.check(link=0, file=1)
-        finally:
-            tmpdir.remove(rec=1)
-    def test_symlink_relative(self):
-        tmpdir = local(local.mkdtemp())
-        try:
-            linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
-            filepath = tmpdir.join('file')
-            filepath.write("Hello")
-            linkpath.mksymlinkto(filepath, absolute=False)
-            assert linkpath.readlink() == "file"
-            assert filepath.read() == linkpath.read()
-        finally:
-            tmpdir.remove(rec=1)
-    def test_visit_recursive_symlink(self):
-        tmpdir = local.mkdtemp()
-        try:
-            linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
-            linkpath.mksymlinkto(tmpdir)
-            visitor = tmpdir.visit(None, checker(link=0))
-            assert list(visitor) == [linkpath]
-            #check.equal(list(tmpdir.visit()), [linkpath])
-        finally:
-            tmpdir.remove(rec=1)
-    def test_symlink_isdir(self):
-        tmpdir = local.mkdtemp()
-        try:
-            linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
-            linkpath.mksymlinkto(tmpdir)
-            assert linkpath.check(dir=1)
-            assert not linkpath.check(link=0, dir=1)
-        finally:
-            tmpdir.remove(rec=1)
-    def test_symlink_remove(self):
-        tmpdir = local.mkdtemp()
-        try:
-            linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
-            linkpath.mksymlinkto(linkpath) # point to itself 
-            assert linkpath.check(dir=0) 
-            assert linkpath.check(link=1)
-            linkpath.remove()
-            assert not linkpath.check() 
-        finally:
-            tmpdir.remove(rec=1)
-    def test_realpath_file(self):
-        tmpdir = local.mkdtemp()
-        try:
-            linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
-            filepath = tmpdir.join('file')
-            filepath.write("")
-            linkpath.mksymlinkto(filepath)
-            realpath = linkpath.realpath()
-            assert realpath.get('basename') == 'file'
-        finally:
-            tmpdir.remove(rec=1)
-    def test_owner(self):
-        from pwd import getpwuid
-        assert getpwuid(self.root.stat().st_uid)[0] == self.root.owner()
-    def test_group(self):
-        from grp import getgrgid
-        assert getgrgid(self.root.stat().st_gid)[0] == self.root.group()
-    def XXXtest_atime(self):
-        # XXX disabled. this test is just not platform independent enough
-        #     because acesstime resolution is very different through
-        #     filesystems even on one platform. 
-        import time
-        path = self.root.join('samplefile')
-        atime = path.atime()
-        time.sleep(1)
-        path.read(1)
-        assert path.atime() != atime
-    def testcommondir(self):
-        # XXX This is here in local until we find a way to implement this
-        #     using the subversion command line api.
-        p1 = self.root.join('something')
-        p2 = self.root.join('otherthing')
-        assert p1.commondir(p2) == self.root
-        assert p2.commondir(p1) == self.root
-    def testcommondir_nocommon(self):
-        # XXX This is here in local until we find a way to implement this
-        #     using the subversion command line api.
-        p1 = self.root.join('something')
-        p2 = local(os.sep+'blabla')
-        assert p1.commondir(p2) is None
-    def test_chmod_simple_int(self):
-        print "self.root is", self.root
-        mode = self.root.mode()
-        self.root.chmod(mode/2) 
-        try:
-            assert self.root.mode() != mode
-        finally:
-            self.root.chmod(mode)
-            assert self.root.mode() == mode 
-    def test_chmod_rec_int(self):
-        # XXX fragile test
-        print "self.root is", self.root
-        recfilter = checker(dotfile=0)
-        oldmodes = {}
-        for x in self.root.visit(rec=recfilter):
-            oldmodes[x] = x.mode()
-        self.root.chmod(0772, rec=1)
-        try:
-            for x in self.root.visit(rec=recfilter):
-                assert x.mode() & 0777 == 0772 
-        finally:
-            for x,y in oldmodes.items():
-                x.chmod(y) 
-    def test_chown_identity(self):
-        owner = self.root.owner()
-        group = self.root.group()
-        self.root.chown(owner, group) 
-    def test_chown_identity_rec_mayfail(self):
-        owner = self.root.owner()
-        group = self.root.group()
-        self.root.chown(owner, group) 
-class TestMisc:
-    root = local(TestLocalPath.root)
-    def test_make_numbered_dir(self):
-        root = local.mkdtemp()
-        try:
-            for i in range(10):
-                numdir = local.make_numbered_dir(root, 'base.', keep=2)
-                assert numdir.check()
-                assert numdir.get('basename') == 'base.%d' %i
-                if i>=1:
-                    assert numdir.new(ext=str(i-1)).check()
-                if i>=2:
-                    assert numdir.new(ext=str(i-2)).check()
-                if i>=3:
-                    assert not numdir.new(ext=str(i-3)).check()
-        finally:
-            #print "root was", root
-            root.remove(rec=1)
-    def test_error_preservation(self):
-        raises (OSError, self.root.join('qwoeqiwe').mtime)
-        raises (IOError, self.root.join('qwoeqiwe').read)
-    #def test_parentdirmatch(self):
-    #    local.parentdirmatch('std', startmodule=__name__)
-#class XTestLocalPath(TestLocalPath):
-#    def __init__(self):
-#        TestLocalPath.__init__(self)
-#        self.root = local(self.root)
-#class XXTestLocalPath(TestLocalPath):
-#    def __init__(self):
-#        TestLocalPath.__init__(self)
-#        self.root = local(self.root)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()

Deleted: /py/dist/py/path/pypath/pypath_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/path/pypath/pypath_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-import sys, os
-from py import path, test
-from py.__impl__.path.pypath import pypath 
-class TestPyPath:
-    root = path.py(pypath.__name__) 
-    def test_join(self):
-        p = self.root.join('PyPath')
-        obj = p.resolve()
-        assert obj is path.py 
-    def test_listdir_module(self):
-        l = self.root.listdir()
-        basenames = [x.basename for x in l]
-        dlist = dir(pypath)
-        for name in dlist:
-            assert name in basenames
-        for name in basenames:
-            assert name in dlist
-    def test_listdir_class(self):
-        l = self.root.join('PyPath').listdir()
-        basenames = [x.basename for x in l]
-        dlist = dir(pypath.PyPath)
-        for name in dlist:
-            assert name in basenames
-        for name in basenames:
-            assert name in dlist
-    def listobj(self):
-        l = self.root.listobj(basestarts='path')
-        assert len(l) == 1
-        assert l[0] == path 
-    def test_visit(self):
-        PyPath = pypath.PyPath 
-        l = list(self.root.visit(path.checker(basename='PyPath')))
-        assert len(l) == 1
-        obj = l[0]
-        assert str(obj).endswith('path.pypath.pypath.PyPath')
-        assert obj.resolve() is PyPath
-    def test_visit_fnmatch(self):
-        PyPath = pypath.PyPath 
-        l = list(self.root.visit('PyPath'))
-        assert len(l) == 1
-        obj = l[0]
-        assert str(obj).endswith('path.pypath.pypath.PyPath')
-        assert obj.resolve() is PyPath
-    def test_specified_base_empty_path(self):
-        p = path.py('', ns=ExampleClass) 
-        l = p.listdir()
-        basenames = [x.basename for x in l]
-        assert 'testattr' in basenames
-    def test_join_from_empty(self):
-        p = path.py('') 
-        n = p.join('tokenize')
-        assert str(n) == 'tokenize'
-        p = path.py('', ns=os) 
-        n = p.join('getlogin')
-        assert str(n) == 'getlogin'
-    def test_unspecifiedpypath_lists_modules(self):
-        p = path.py('') 
-        l = p.listdir()
-        for i in l:
-            assert '.' not in str(i)
-        for j in sys.modules:
-            for i in l:
-                if j.startswith(str(i)):
-                    break
-            else:
-                self.fail("%s is not in sys.modules")
-    def test_main_works(self):
-        m = path.py('__main__') 
-        import __main__
-        assert m.resolve() is __main__
-    def test_relto(self):
-        m1 = path.py('a.b.c.d')
-        m2 = path.py('a.b')
-        m3 = path.py('')
-        res = m1.relto(m2)
-        assert str(res) == 'c.d'
-        assert m2.relto(m3) == str(m2)
-    def test_basename(self):
-        m1 = path.py('a.b.hello')
-        assert m1.basename == 'hello'
-        assert m1.check(basename='hello')
-        assert not m1.check(basename='nono')
-        assert m1.check(basestarts='he')
-        assert not m1.check(basestarts='42')
-    def test_dirpath(self):
-        m1 = path.py('a.b.hello')
-        m2 = path.py('a.b') 
-        m3 = path.py('a') 
-        m4 = path.py() 
-        assert m1.dirpath() == m2 
-        assert m2.dirpath() == m3 
-        assert m3.dirpath() == m4 
-    def test_function(self):
-        class A:
-            i = 3
-            def func(self):
-                pass
-        p = path.py('func', ns=A)
-        assert p.check(func=1)
-        p = path.py('i', ns=A)
-        assert p.check(func=0)
-    def test_hashing_equality(self):
-        x = path.py('os.path')
-        y = path.py('os.path')
-        assert x == y 
-        assert hash(x) == hash(y) 
-    def test_parents(self):
-        x = path.py('os.path.abspath')
-        l = x.parts() 
-        assert len(l) == 4 
-        assert path.py('') == l[0]
-        assert path.py('os') == l[1]
-        assert path.py('os.path') == l[2]
-        assert path.py('os.path.abspath') == l[3]
-class TestEval:
-    disabled = True
-    def test_funccall(self):
-        p = path.py('os.path.join("a", "b")')
-        s = p.resolve()
-        assert s == os.path.join("a", "b")
-    def test_invalid1(self):
-        p = path.py('os.path.qwe("a", "b")')
-        s = test.raises(path.NotFound, "p.resolve()")
-    def test_syntaxerror(self):
-        p = path.py('os.path.qwe("a", ')
-        s = test.raises(ValueError, "p.resolve()")
-class TestErrors: 
-    def test_FileNotFound(self):
-        p = path.py('somesuch')
-        test.raises(path.NotFound, p.resolve)
-        p = path.py('email.whatever')
-        test.raises(path.NotFound, p.resolve)
-    def test_attributeerror(self):
-        p = path.py('os.path.qabspath')
-        test.raises(path.NotFound, p.resolve)
-    #def test_ImportError():
-    #    p = path.py('__std.utest.test.data.failingimport.someattr') 
-    #    utest.raises(ImportError, p.resolve)
-class ExampleClass:
-    testattr = 1

Deleted: /py/dist/py/path/svn/command_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/path/svn/command_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-import sys, os
-import py
-from py.__impl__.path.test import svncommonfs
-from py.__impl__.path.svnwc.command_test import getrepowc 
-class TestSvnCommandPath(svncommonfs.CommonCommandAndBindingTests):
-    def __init__(self):
-        repo, wc = getrepowc() 
-        self.root = py.path.svnurl(repo)
-    def xtest_copy_file(self):
-        raise py.test.run.Skipped(msg="XXX fix svnurl first")
-    def xtest_copy_dir(self):
-        raise py.test.run.Skipped(msg="XXX fix svnurl first")
-    def XXXtest_info_log(self):
-        url = self.root.join("samplefile")
-        res = url.log(rev_start=1155, rev_end=1155, verbose=True)
-        assert res[0].revision == 1155 and res[0].author == "jum"
-        from time import gmtime
-        t = gmtime(res[0].date)
-        assert t.tm_year == 2003 and t.tm_mon == 7 and t.tm_mday == 17

Copied: py/dist/py/path/svn/test_command.py (from r6934, py/dist/py/path/svn/command_test.py)
--- py/dist/py/path/svn/command_test.py	(original)
+++ py/dist/py/path/svn/test_command.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import sys, os
 import py
 from py.__impl__.path.test import svncommonfs
-from py.__impl__.path.svnwc.command_test import getrepowc 
+from py.__impl__.path.svnwc.test_command import getrepowc 
 class TestSvnCommandPath(svncommonfs.CommonCommandAndBindingTests):
     def __init__(self):

Deleted: /py/dist/py/path/svnwc/command_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/path/svnwc/command_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-import py
-from py.__impl__.path.test.svncommonfs import CommonSvnTests
-from py.__impl__.path.test.commonfs import setuptestfs 
-# make a wc directory out of a given root url
-# cache previously obtained wcs!
-def getrepowc():
-    repo = py.test.config.tmpdir / 'path' / 'repo'
-    wcdir = py.test.config.tmpdir / 'path' / 'wc'
-    if not repo.check():
-        assert not wcdir.check()
-        repo.ensure(dir=1)
-        try:
-            py.process.cmdexec('svnadmin create %s' % repo)
-        except py.process.cmdexec.Error: 
-            repo.remove()
-            raise py.test.run.Skipped(msg='could not create temporary svn test repository')
-        wcdir.ensure(dir=1)
-        print "created svn repository", repo
-        wc = py.path.svnwc(wcdir, url='file://%s' % repo)
-        wc.checkout()
-        print "checked out new repo into", wc
-        setuptestfs(wc)
-        wc.join('samplefile').propset('svn:eol-style', 'native')
-        wc.commit("testrepo setup rev 1")
-        wc.ensure('anotherfile').write('hello')
-        wc.commit('second rev') 
-        wc.join('anotherfile').write('world')
-        wc.commit('third rev') 
-    else:
-        print "using repository at %s" % repo
-        wc = py.path.svnwc(wcdir)
-    return ("file://%s" % repo, wc)
-class TestWCSvnCommandPath(CommonSvnTests): 
-    def __init__(self):
-        repo, self.root = getrepowc()
-    def test_status_attributes_simple(self):
-        def assert_nochange(p):
-            s = p.status()
-            assert not s.modified
-            assert not s.prop_modified
-            assert not s.added
-            assert not s.deleted
-        dpath = self.root.join('sampledir')
-        assert_nochange(self.root.join('sampledir'))
-        assert_nochange(self.root.join('samplefile'))
-    def test_status_added(self):
-        nf = self.root.join('newfile')
-        nf.write('hello')
-        nf.add()
-        try:
-            s = nf.status()
-            assert s.added
-            assert not s.modified
-            assert not s.prop_modified
-        finally:
-            nf.revert()
-    def test_status_change(self):
-        nf = self.root.join('samplefile')
-        try:
-            nf.write(nf.read() + 'change')
-            s = nf.status()
-            assert not s.added
-            assert s.modified
-            assert not s.prop_modified
-        finally:
-            nf.revert()
-    def test_status_added_ondirectory(self):
-        sampledir = self.root.join('sampledir')
-        try:
-            t2 = sampledir.mkdir('t2')
-            t1 = t2.join('t1')
-            t1.write('test')
-            t1.add()
-            s = sampledir.status(rec=1)
-            assert t1 in s.added
-            assert t2 in s.added
-        finally:
-            t2.revert(rec=1)
-            t2.localpath.remove(rec=1)
-    def test_status_unknown(self):
-        t1 = self.root.join('un1')
-        try:
-            t1.write('test')
-            s = self.root.status()
-            assert t1 in s.unknown
-        finally:
-            t1.localpath.remove()
-    def test_status_unchanged(self):
-        r = self.root
-        s = self.root.status(rec=1)
-        assert r.join('samplefile') in s.unchanged
-        assert r.join('sampledir') in s.unchanged
-        assert r.join('sampledir/otherfile') in s.unchanged
-    def test_status_update(self):
-        r = self.root
-        try:
-            r.update(rev=1)
-            s = r.status(updates=1, rec=1)
-            assert r.join('anotherfile') in s.update_available
-            assert len(s.update_available) == 1
-        finally:
-            r.update()
-    def test_diff(self):
-        p = self.root / 'anotherfile'
-        out = p.diff(rev=2)
-        assert out.find('hello') != -1 
-    def test_join_abs(self):
-        s = str(self.root.localpath)
-        n = self.root.join(s, abs=1)
-        assert self.root == n
-    def test_join_abs2(self):
-        assert self.root.join('samplefile', abs=1) == self.root.join('samplefile')
-    def test_str_gives_localpath(self):
-        assert str(self.root) == str(self.root.localpath) 
-    def test_versioned(self):
-        assert self.root.check(versioned=1)
-        assert self.root.join('samplefile').check(versioned=1)
-        assert not self.root.join('notexisting').check(versioned=1)
-        notexisting = self.root.join('hello').localpath
-        try:
-            notexisting.write("")
-            assert self.root.join('hello').check(versioned=0)
-        finally:
-            notexisting.remove()
-    def test_properties(self):
-        try:
-            self.root.propset('gaga', 'this')
-            assert self.root.propget('gaga') == 'this'
-            assert self.root in self.root.status().prop_modified
-            assert 'gaga' in self.root.proplist()
-            assert self.root.proplist()['gaga'] == 'this'
-        finally:
-            self.root.propdel('gaga')
-    def test_proplist_recursive(self):
-        s = self.root.join('samplefile') 
-        s.propset('gugu', 'that') 
-        try:
-            p = self.root.proplist(rec=1) 
-            assert self.root / 'samplefile' in p 
-        finally:
-            s.propdel('gugu')
-    def test_long_properties(self):
-        value = """
-        vadm:posix : root root 0100755
-        Properties on 'chroot/dns/var/bind/db.net.xots':
-                """
-        try:
-            self.root.propset('gaga', value)
-            backvalue = self.root.propget('gaga') 
-            assert backvalue == value
-            #assert len(backvalue.split('\n')) == 1
-        finally:
-            self.root.propdel('gaga')
-    def test_ensure(self):
-        newpath = self.root.ensure('a', 'b', 'c')
-        try:
-            assert newpath.check(exists=1, versioned=1)
-        finally:
-            self.root.join('a').remove(force=1)
-    def test_not_versioned(self):
-        p = self.root.localpath.mkdir('whatever') 
-        f = self.root.localpath.ensure('testcreatedfile') 
-        try:
-            assert self.root.join('whatever').check(versioned=0)
-            assert self.root.join('testcreatedfile').check(versioned=0)
-            assert not self.root.join('testcreatedfile').check(versioned=1)
-        finally:
-            p.remove(rec=1)
-            f.remove()
-    #def test_log(self):
-    #   l = self.root.log()
-    #   assert len(l) == 3  # might need to be upped if more tests are added
-class XTestWCSvnCommandPathSpecial:
-    rooturl = 'http://codespeak.net/svn/py.path/trunk/dist/py.path/test/data'
-    #def test_update_none_rev(self):
-    #    path = tmpdir.join('checkouttest')
-    #    wcpath = newpath(xsvnwc=str(path), url=self.rooturl)
-    #    try:
-    #        wcpath.checkout(rev=2100)
-    #        wcpath.update()
-    #        assert wcpath.info().rev > 2100
-    #    finally:
-    #        wcpath.localpath.remove(rec=1)

Copied: py/dist/py/path/test_api.py (from r6931, py/dist/py/path/api_test.py)
--- py/dist/py/path/api_test.py	(original)
+++ py/dist/py/path/test_api.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 from py import path, test
-from py.__impl__.path.svnwc.command_test import getrepowc 
+from py.__impl__.path.svnwc.test_command import getrepowc 
 class TestAPI:
     def __init__(self):

Deleted: /py/dist/py/process/cmdexec_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/process/cmdexec_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-from py import test
-from py.process import cmdexec
-class Test_exec_cmd:
-    def test_simple(self):
-        out = cmdexec('echo hallo')
-        assert out.strip() == 'hallo'
-    def test_simple_error(self):
-        test.raises (cmdexec.Error, cmdexec, 'exit 1')
-    def test_simple_error_exact_status(self):
-        try:
-            cmdexec('exit 1')
-        except cmdexec.Error, e:
-            assert e.status == 1
-    def test_err(self):
-        try:
-            cmdexec('echoqweqwe123 hallo')
-            raise AssertionError, "command succeeded but shouldn't"
-        except cmdexec.Error, e:
-            assert hasattr(e, 'err')
-            assert hasattr(e, 'out')
-            assert e.err or e.out

Deleted: /py/dist/py/test/collect_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/test/collect_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import generators
-from py import test, path
-from py.magic import autopath ; autopath = autopath()
-testdir = autopath.dirpath('test') 
-assert testdir.check(dir=1)
-datadir = testdir / 'data'
-def test_failing_import_execfile():
-    fn = datadir / 'failingimport.py' 
-    l = list(test.collect.Execfile(fn))
-    assert l
-    ex, = l
-    assert issubclass(ex.excinfo[0], ImportError)
-def test_failing_import_directory():
-    class MyDirectory(test.collect.Directory):
-        fil = path.checker(basestarts="testspecial_", ext='.py')
-    l = list(MyDirectory(datadir))
-    assert len(l) == 1
-    assert isinstance(l[0], test.collect.Execfile)
-    l2 = list(l[0])
-    assert l2
-    exc = l2[0]
-    assert isinstance(exc, test.collect.Error)
-    assert issubclass(exc.excinfo[0], ImportError)
-def test_execfile_file_not_found():
-    fn = testdir.join('nada','no')
-    l = list(test.collect.Execfile(fn))
-    assert len(l) == 1
-    assert isinstance(l[0], test.collect.Error)
-    import traceback
-    print traceback.print_exception(*l[0].excinfo)
-    assert isinstance(l[0].excinfo[1], (IOError, OSError))
-def test_syntax_error_in_module():
-    modpath = 'py.__impl__.utest.test.data.syntax_error.whatever'
-    l2 = list(test.collect.Module(modpath))
-    assert len(l2) == 1
-    assert isinstance(l2[0], test.collect.Error)
-    assert issubclass(l2[0].excinfo[0], path.Invalid)
-def test_disabled_class():
-    class x: 
-        class y: 
-            disabled = True
-            def test_method(self): pass 
-    l = list(test.collect.Class(path.py('', ns=x))) 
-    assert not l
-class TestCustomCollector:
-    def test_custom_collect(self):
-        l = list(test.collect.Execfile(datadir.join('Collector.py')))
-        assert len(l) == 3
-        for unit in l:
-            assert isinstance(unit, test.Unit) 
-        #for x in l2:
-        #    assert isinstance(x, Unit) 
-        #    x.execute() 
-class Testsomeclass:
-    disabled = True
-    def test_something():
-        raise ValueError
-l = []
-def test_1():
-    l.append(1)
-def test_2():
-    l.append(2)
-def test_3():
-    assert l == [1,2]
-class Testmygroup:
-    reslist = []
-    def test_1(self):
-        self.reslist.append(1)
-    def test_2(self):
-        self.reslist.append(2)
-    def test_3(self):
-        self.reslist.append(3)
-    def test_4(self):
-        assert self.reslist == [1,2,3]

Deleted: /py/dist/py/test/compat_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/test/compat_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import generators
-from py import test, magic
-class TestCompatTestCaseSetupSemantics(test.compat.TestCase): 
-    globlist = []
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.__dict__.setdefault('l', []).append(42)
-        self.globlist.append(self)
-    def tearDown(self):
-        self.l.pop()
-    def test_issetup(self):
-        l = self.l
-        assert len(l) == 1
-        assert l[-1] == 42
-        self.checkmultipleinstances()
-    def test_issetup2(self):
-        l = self.l
-        assert len(l) == 1
-        assert l[-1] == 42
-        self.checkmultipleinstances()
-    def checkmultipleinstances(self):
-        for x,y in zip(self.globlist, self.globlist[1:]):
-            assert x is not y
-class TestCompatAssertions(test.compat.TestCase):
-    nameparamdef = {
-        'failUnlessEqual,assertEqual,assertEquals': ('1, 1', '1, 0'),
-        'assertNotEquals,failIfEqual': ('0, 1', '0,0'),
-        'failUnless,assert_': ('1', 'None'),
-        'failIf': ('0', '1'),
-        }
-    sourcelist = []
-    for names, (paramok, paramfail) in nameparamdef.items():
-        for name in names.split(','):
-            source = """
-            def test_%(name)s(self):
-                self.%(name)s(%(paramok)s)
-                #self.%(name)s(%(paramfail)s)
-            def test_%(name)s_failing(self):
-                self.assertRaises(test.run.Failed, 
-                            self.%(name)s, %(paramfail)s)
-            """ % locals()
-            co = magic.dyncode.compile2(source)
-            exec co 

Deleted: /py/dist/py/test/config_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/test/config_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import generators
-from py import test
-from py.test import config 
-class MyClass:
-    def getoptions(self):
-        yield config.Option('-v', action="count", dest="verbose", help="verbose")
-def xtest_verbose():
-    obj = MyClass()
-    args = config.parseargs(['-v', 'hello'], obj)
-    assert args == ['hello']
-    assert hasattr(obj, 'option')
-    assert hasattr(obj.option, 'verbose')
-    assert obj.option.verbose
-def xtest_verbose_default():
-    obj = MyClass()
-    args = config.parseargs(['hello'], obj)
-    assert args, ['hello']
-    assert hasattr(obj, 'option')
-    assert hasattr(obj.option, 'verbose')
-    assert not obj.option.verbose
-def test_tmpdir():
-    d1 = config.tmpdir 
-    d2 = config.tmpdir 
-    assert d1 == d2

Deleted: /py/dist/py/test/raises_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/test/raises_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-from py import test 
-def somefunc(x, y):
-    assert x == y
-class TestClass: 
-    def test_raises(self):
-        test.raises(ValueError, "int('qwe')")
-    def test_raises_syntax_error(self):
-        test.raises(SyntaxError, "qwe qwe qwe")
-    def test_raises_function(self):
-        test.raises(ValueError, int, 'hello')

Deleted: /py/dist/py/test/report/memo_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/test/report/memo_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-from py import test, path
-datadir = test.config.tmpdir 
-#def test_equal_should_raise():
-#    check.equal(1,2)
-#class MyUnit(collect.Auto, collect.Unit):
-#    def execute(self, runner):
-#        try:        
-def test_memoreporter():
-    reporter = test.MemoReporter()
-    p = datadir.join('memoimport.py')
-    p.write('raise IOError') 
-    collector = test.collect.Execfile(p) 
-    #main(collector=collector, reporter=reporter)
-    #collect_errors = reporter.getlist(collect.Error)
-    #assert len(collect_errors) == 1
-    ##print collect_errors
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    test.main()

Deleted: /py/dist/py/test/tool/outerrcapture_test.py
--- /py/dist/py/test/tool/outerrcapture_test.py	Thu Oct 14 22:00:10 2004
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-from py import test
-from py.__impl__.test.tool.outerrcapture import SimpleOutErrCapture 
-def test_capturing_simple():
-    cap = SimpleOutErrCapture()
-    print "hello world"
-    print >>sys.stderr, "hello error"
-    out, err = cap.reset()
-    assert out == "hello world\n"
-    assert err == "hello error\n"
-def test_capturing_error():
-    cap = SimpleOutErrCapture()
-    print "hello"
-    cap.reset()
-    test.raises(AttributeError, "cap.reset()")
-def test_capturing_error_recursive():
-    cap = SimpleOutErrCapture()
-    cap2 = SimpleOutErrCapture()
-    print "hello"
-    cap2.reset()
-    test.raises(AttributeError, "cap2.reset()")

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