[pypy-issue] Issue #3049: SystemError in RSocket__setblocking (Travis CI) (pypy/pypy)

Mahmoud Hashemi issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Sat Aug 3 18:42:50 EDT 2019

New issue 3049: SystemError in RSocket__setblocking (Travis CI)

Mahmoud Hashemi:

Hey all! So Travis recently updated their default image, and the pypy used there \(`Python 2.7.13 (8cdda8b8cdb8, Apr 14 2019, 14:06:44) [PyPy 7.1.1 with GCC 6.2.0 20160901]`\) gives me this issue:

`SystemError: unexpected internal exception (please report a bug): <CSocketError object at 0x6922eb0>; internal traceback was dumped to stderr`

`RPython traceback:`  
` File "pypy_interpreter.c", line 40143, in BuiltinCode2_fastcall_2 `  
` File "implement_11.c", line 13173, in fastfunc_settimeout_w_2 `  
` File "pypy_module__socket.c", line 2293, in W_Socket_settimeout_w `  
` File "rpython_rlib.c", line 59823, in RSocket__setblocking`

The full pytest run can be seen here: [https://travis-ci.org/mahmoud/boltons/jobs/567209873](https://travis-ci.org/mahmoud/boltons/jobs/567209873)

Attempting to reproduce locally, I confirmed the value of `timeout` there is 10. However there's no expection raised. Locally I'm using the Ubuntu PPA version: `Python 2.7.13 (7.0.0+dfsg-1~ppa1~ubuntu16.04, Feb 07 2019, 20:56:09) / [PyPy 7.0.0 with GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux2`

Maybe I should pick this up with Travis, but I figured if it’s affecting me, and Travis just updated the defaults, you may be seeing more of these in future. Thanks in advance for any help!

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