From issues-reply at Wed Nov 1 14:11:39 2017 From: issues-reply at (David Naylor) Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2017 18:11:39 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [pypy-issue] Issue #2694: [patch] ctypes.CDLL: implement handle argument (pypy/pypy) Message-ID: <> New issue 2694: [patch] ctypes.CDLL: implement handle argument David Naylor: PyPy internally didn't implement the handle argument (or CDLL._handle property). The oversight was likely due to CPython reaching into the internals of the CDLL library from the code. The attached patch implements handle by extending RPython's libffi.CDLL to use the handle if provided (otherwise using dlopen to get the handle). In turn _rawffi.alt.CDLL is extended to pass handle through from ctypes to libffi. A default value of 0 is used (instead of None) as 0 is the equivalent of NULL and is the error condition from dlopen. The attached patch fixes both PyPy and PyPy3. This fixes the rtld_default_lib code in ll2types on FreeBSD. From issues-reply at Wed Nov 1 14:15:25 2017 From: issues-reply at (David Naylor) Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2017 18:15:25 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [pypy-issue] Issue #2695: [patch] fail early in ll2types for RTLD code (pypy/pypy) Message-ID: <> New issue 2695: [patch] fail early in ll2types for RTLD code David Naylor: When looking up the dl* functions from the rtld_default_lib, instead of using the helper and falling through to the standard library, directly lookup the function and fail if not found. Failure here is correct as rtld_default_lib is required to provide the specified functions. Also, fix the name of the library: the dl* functions are provided by From issues-reply at Wed Nov 1 14:20:58 2017 From: issues-reply at (David Naylor) Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2017 18:20:58 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [pypy-issue] Issue #2696: [patch] fix various tests on FreeBSD (pypy/pypy) Message-ID: <> New issue 2696: [patch] fix various tests on FreeBSD David Naylor: Enable tests that now run on FreeBSD: - termios - pyrepl (and fix skipif on 'freebsd', instead of the more limited case 'kfreebsd') Mark tests as xfail on FreeBSD: - _vmprof.test_get_profile_path Sundry: - test_recompile: libc++ defines char16_t and char32_t for __cplusplus < 201103 From issues-reply at Wed Nov 1 14:25:09 2017 From: issues-reply at (David Naylor) Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2017 18:25:09 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [pypy-issue] Issue #2697: [patch] fix compilation on FreeBSD (pypy/pypy) Message-ID: <> New issue 2697: [patch] fix compilation on FreeBSD David Naylor: - cpyext: make 'darwin' the fall-through case to define (compile|link)_extra as None. Fixes use-before-define error - rvmprof: - on FreeBSD PyPy needs to link to libunwind - fix missing ';' in statement - indicate unwind functions only need to support local (makes linking easier on FreeBSD) From issues-reply at Tue Nov 7 04:28:07 2017 From: issues-reply at (Edward Beech) Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2017 09:28:07 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [pypy-issue] Issue #2698: Suspected memory leak with pysnmp==4.4.1 on PyPy 5.9 only (Python seems fine) (pypy/pypy) Message-ID: <> New issue 2698: Suspected memory leak with pysnmp==4.4.1 on PyPy 5.9 only (Python seems fine) Edward Beech: The code to reproduce is fairly simple- obviously you'll need PyPy 5.9 installed first as well as pysnmp==4.4.1. ``` #!python from pysnmp.hlapi import SnmpEngine, UdpTransportTarget, ContextData, ObjectType, ObjectIdentity, getCmd, UsmUserData, usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, usmAesCfb128Protocol ITERATIONS = 65536 for i in range(0, ITERATIONS): snmp_engine = SnmpEngine() context_data = ContextData() errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = next( getCmd( snmp_engine, UsmUserData( userName='some_username', authKey='some_auth_key', privKey='some_priv_key, authProtocol=usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, privProtocol=usmAesCfb128Protocol, ), UdpTransportTarget( ('some_host', 161), timeout=5, retries=2, ), context_data, ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('.')) ) ) print '{0}/{1} - {2}'.format(i + 1, ITERATIONS, varBinds) del snmp_engine del context_data ``` Under PyPy 5.9 memory use steadily increases until (in my experience) MacOS crashes; in Python however, all seems fine. I've also raised an issue on the [PySNMP Github page.]( From issues-reply at Thu Nov 9 16:01:56 2017 From: issues-reply at (Bruno Oliveira) Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2017 21:01:56 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [pypy-issue] Issue #2699: warnings.warn fails with non-ascii unicode strings on PyPy2 5.9.0 (pypy/pypy) Message-ID: <> New issue 2699: warnings.warn fails with non-ascii unicode strings on PyPy2 5.9.0 Bruno Oliveira: Hi, `warnings.warn` in recent versions breaks when passed `non-ascii` unicode on Windows: ```python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- import warnings warnings.warn(u"??") ``` Running this produces this output: ``` C:\pytest\.pypy\bin\pypy.exe C:/pytest/.tmp/ Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/pytest/.tmp/", line 3, in warnings.warn(u"??") UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-1: ordinal not in range(128) ``` I'm not sure in which version this started to break, but we detected this on the pytest's test suite when a test started to break all of sudden. [Here's a link]( to one of the AppVeyor failures. Interestingly, running the same code under CPython does not produce **any** output and returns zero to the OS. But if we change the string to something `ascii` compatible, than both CPython and PyPy print the correct output: ``` pypy .tmp\ .tmp\ UserWarning: foo warnings.warn('foo') ``` ``` python.exe .tmp\ .tmp\ UserWarning: foo warnings.warn('foo') ``` **PyPy2 version info** ``` pypy --version Python 2.7.13 (c2437cf9b7f1, Sep 24 2017, 17:23:53) [PyPy 5.9.0 with MSC v.1500 32 bit] ``` Thanks for all the hard work! From issues-reply at Thu Nov 9 21:22:59 2017 From: issues-reply at (Chris AtLee) Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2017 02:22:59 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [pypy-issue] Issue #2700: slow warmup running Firefox taskgraph generation (pypy/pypy) Message-ID: <> New issue 2700: slow warmup running Firefox taskgraph generation Chris AtLee: To reproduce: - clone revision 2e4bef09de27 - download - run `time pypy ./mach taskgraph target -p parameters.yml > /dev/null` this takes about 20s on my system next, modify taskcluster/ so that we duplicate the call to show_taskgraph: ``` diff --git a/taskcluster/ b/taskcluster/ --- a/taskcluster/ +++ b/taskcluster/ @@ -79,16 +79,17 @@ class MachCommands(MachCommandBase): @ShowTaskGraphSubCommand('taskgraph', 'full', description="Show the full taskgraph") def taskgraph_full(self, **options): return self.show_taskgraph('full_task_graph', options) @ShowTaskGraphSubCommand('taskgraph', 'target', description="Show the target task set") def taskgraph_target(self, **options): + self.show_taskgraph('target_task_set', options) return self.show_taskgraph('target_task_set', options) @ShowTaskGraphSubCommand('taskgraph', 'target-graph', description="Show the target taskgraph") def taskgraph_target_taskgraph(self, **options): return self.show_taskgraph('target_task_graph', options) @ShowTaskGraphSubCommand('taskgraph', 'optimized', ``` re-run `mach taskgraph`. This time is takes about 34 seconds. I think this means that the second pass only takes 14 seconds to run. From issues-reply at Mon Nov 13 04:56:26 2017 From: issues-reply at (Davide Depau) Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2017 09:56:26 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [pypy-issue] Issue #2701: Future imports not allowed after docstrings (pypy/pypy) Message-ID: <> New issue 2701: Future imports not allowed after docstrings Davide Depau: The [Python language reference]( clearly states that future statements are allowed after docstrings: > A future statement must appear near the top of the module. The only lines that can appear before a future statement are: > > - the module docstring (if any), > - comments, > - blank lines, and > - other future statements. However PyPy seems not to like it very much. See my pull request to OctoPrint: The fact that in some file there is a future import, a docstring and then another future import makes PyPy crash, while CPython accepts it just fine. ``` SyntaxError: __future__ statements must appear at beginning of file ``` Code that triggers it: ```python from __future__ import absolute_import """ [Module docstring] """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function ``` While this obviously the best code one could write (in fact they merged my PR that fixes it), it still valid and PyPy should accept it. From issues-reply at Fri Nov 17 04:54:31 2017 From: issues-reply at (davoud taghawi-nejad) Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2017 09:54:31 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [pypy-issue] Issue #2702: pypy3 5.9.0 not available for maxos64 (pypy/pypy) Message-ID: <> New issue 2702: pypy3 5.9.0 not available for maxos64 davoud taghawi-nejad: there is no pypy3 5.9.0 available for maxos64. Responsible: mattip From issues-reply at Tue Nov 21 04:16:11 2017 From: issues-reply at (Holger Grund) Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2017 09:16:11 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [pypy-issue] Issue #2703: PyPy3 bitfields reversed from expected value (pypy/pypy) Message-ID: <> New issue 2703: PyPy3 bitfields reversed from expected value Holger Grund: Bitfields in BigendianStructures are not allocated in the same way as for CPython on x86-64 Linux at least. Per ABI big-endian bitfields should be allocated from high to low bit, but PyPy?s ctypes doesn?t do that. Observe: ``` #!python import ctypes class Foo(ctypes.BigEndianStructure): _fields_ = ( ('first', ctypes.c_uint8, 4), ('second', ctypes.c_uint8, 4)) f = Foo(first=0,second=15) print('%r' % list(bytes(f))) ``` PyPy3 prints [240]. CPython prints [15]. From issues-reply at Tue Nov 28 11:00:46 2017 From: issues-reply at (Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick) Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2017 16:00:46 +0000 (UTC) Subject: [pypy-issue] Issue #2704: Undefined behavior in RPython via the C backend (pypy/pypy) Message-ID: <> New issue 2704: Undefined behavior in RPython via the C backend Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick: We did not completely decide so far whether int-addition (and other ops) in RPython must behave a) by wrapping around or b) by having undefined behavior on overflow. Right now, the C backend and parts of the JIT implements b). However, we definitely have code where we use int operations that overflow and we expect a), most notably a lot of hash computations (eg ``W_TupleObject._descr_hash_*``). This has the potential (maybe unlikely though?) of causing miscompilation of PyPy at any point in the future when GCC (or the JIT) gets smarter about reasoning about ints.