[pypy-issue] Issue #2229: Encountered RPython error (pypy/pypy)

Chuancong Gao issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Wed Jan 20 12:50:57 EST 2016

New issue 2229: Encountered RPython error

Chuancong Gao:

I keep encounter this error in latest version of PyPy. However, the code works fine in latest version of CPython. When I change the number of lines read and the number of iterations, the problem is solved. 

Sorry I cannot share the private code. I will see if I can minimize the code to make it public.

RPython traceback:
  File "rpython_jit_metainterp_compile.c", line 23613, in send_loop_to_backend
  File "rpython_jit_backend_x86_assembler.c", line 2272, in Assembler386_assemble_loop
  File "rpython_jit_backend_x86_regalloc.c", line 512, in RegAlloc_prepare_loop
  File "rpython_jit_backend_x86_regalloc.c", line 1268, in RegAlloc__prepare
  File "rpython_jit_backend_llsupport_regalloc.c", line 7033, in compute_vars_longevity
Fatal RPython error: AssertionError

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