[pypy-issue] Issue #1848: PyPy's REPL/readline is missing numbers in its syntax_table's SYNTAX_WORDs (pypy/pypy)

paulie4 issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Tue Aug 19 00:08:37 CEST 2014

New issue 1848: PyPy's REPL/readline is missing numbers in its syntax_table's SYNTAX_WORDs


When using meta-f, meta-b, or meta-backspace, the current PyPy readline incorrectly treats numbers as symbols instead of word characters. To correct this, Line 96 in ```lib_pypy/pyrepl/reader.py``` should change from this:


    for c in [a for a in map(unichr, range(256)) if a.isalpha()]:
to this:

    for c in [a for a in map(unichr, range(256)) if a.isalnum()]:

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