[pypy-issue] [issue1661] numpy: rec.fromarrays fails with TypeError: data type not understood

Anders Kaseorg tracker at bugs.pypy.org
Sun Dec 15 05:31:55 CET 2013

New submission from Anders Kaseorg <andersk at mit.edu>:

Python 2.7.3 (55f7a6da11c7, Dec 14 2013, 23:00:23)
[PyPy 2.3.0-alpha0 with GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
And now for something completely different: ``fijal: can I initiate you on the
(easy but) non-trivial topic of writing C function types? :-)''
>>>> import numpy as np
>>>> np.rec.fromarrays((np.array([10, 20, 30]), np.array([40, 50, 60])), dtype=[('a', int), ('b', int)])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/anders/pypy-nightly-env/site-packages/numpy/core/records.py", line 564, in fromarrays
    _array = recarray(shape, descr)
  File "/home/anders/pypy-nightly-env/site-packages/numpy/core/records.py", line 402, in __new__
    self = ndarray.__new__(subtype, shape, (record, descr), order=order)
TypeError: data type not understood (value of type type not expected here)

messages: 6423
nosy: andersk, pypy-issue
priority: bug
status: unread
title: numpy: rec.fromarrays fails with TypeError: data type not understood

PyPy bug tracker <tracker at bugs.pypy.org>

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