[PyPy-issue] [issue671] Exception: wrong annotation while building pypy-c

ys pypy-dev-issue at codespeak.net
Mon Mar 14 14:12:55 CET 2011

New submission from ys <ysbalt at live.com>:

In the mercurial changeset 42595:63e875c8adc8, I am trying to build pypy, using
a previously built pypy-c, so I do:

$ PYPY_LOCALBASE=/Users/#####/opt/local pypy-c translate.py -Ojit

It stalls with 
[rtyper:WARNING] Desc <FrozenDesc for <TypeDef name='Error'>> has no attribute
[rtyper:WARNING] Desc <FrozenDesc for <TypeDef name='Error'>> has no attribute
[rtyper:WARNING] Desc <FrozenDesc for <TypeDef name='RuntimeError'>> has no
attribute '$memofield_get_slot_tp_function_2883'
[rtyper] specializing: 145800 / 153391 blocks   (95%)
[rtyper] specializing: 146700 / 153412 blocks   (95%)
[rtyper] -=- specialized 153422 blocks -=-
[Timer] Timings:
[Timer] annotate                       --- 1281.9 s
[Timer] rtype_lltype                   ---  615.3 s
[Timer] ===========================================
[Timer] Total:                         --- 1897.3 s
[translation:ERROR] Error:
[translation:ERROR]  Traceback (most recent call last):
[translation:ERROR]    File "translate.py", line 290, in main
[translation:ERROR]     drv.proceed(goals)
[translation:ERROR]    File "/Users/#####/temp/pypy/pypy/translator/driver.py",
line 812, in proceed
[translation:ERROR]     return self._execute(goals, task_skip = self._maybe_skip())
[translation:ERROR]    File
"/Users/#####/temp/pypy/pypy/translator/tool/taskengine.py", line 116, in _execute
[translation:ERROR]     res = self._do(goal, taskcallable, *args, **kwds)
[translation:ERROR]    File "/Users/#####/temp/pypy/pypy/translator/driver.py",
line 288, in _do
[translation:ERROR]     res = func()
[translation:ERROR]    File "/Users/#####/temp/pypy/pypy/translator/driver.py",
line 373, in task_rtype_lltype
[translation:ERROR]     crash_on_first_typeerror=insist)
[translation:ERROR]    File "/Users/#####/temp/pypy/pypy/rpython/rtyper.py",
line 211, in specialize
[translation:ERROR]     self.specialize_more_blocks()
[translation:ERROR]    File "/Users/#####/temp/pypy/pypy/rpython/rtyper.py",
line 280, in specialize_more_blocks
[translation:ERROR]     annmixlevel.finish()
[translation:ERROR]    File
"/Users/#####/temp/pypy/pypy/rpython/annlowlevel.py", line 240, in finish
[translation:ERROR]     self.finish_annotate()
[translation:ERROR]    File
"/Users/#####/temp/pypy/pypy/rpython/annlowlevel.py", line 266, in finish_annotate
[translation:ERROR]     (graph, s_result, s_real_result))
[translation:ERROR]  Exception: wrong annotation for the result of
<FunctionGraph of (pypy.rpython.module.ll_os:832)os_read_llimpl at 0x1a2b23b0>:
[translation:ERROR] originally specified: SomeString(can_be_None=False)
[translation:ERROR]  found by annotating: SomeString(can_be_None=True)
[translation] start debugger...
> /Users/#####/temp/pypy/pypy/rpython/annlowlevel.py(266)finish_annotate()
-> (graph, s_result, s_real_result))

I print out the stack trace:
(Pdb+) where
-> if not isinstance(importer, imp.NullImporter):
-> # executing the interactive prompt, if we're running a script we
-> f(*fargs, **fkwds)
-> main()
-> debug(True)
-> return self._execute(goals, task_skip = self._maybe_skip())
-> raise
-> pass
-> crash_on_first_typeerror=insist)
-> self.specialize_more_blocks()
-> annmixlevel.finish()
-> self.finish_annotate()
> /Users/#####/temp/pypy/pypy/rpython/annlowlevel.py(266)finish_annotate()
-> (graph, s_result, s_real_result))

effort: ???
messages: 2293
nosy: baltcode, pypy-issue
priority: critical
release: ???
status: unread
title: Exception: wrong annotation while building pypy-c

PyPy development tracker <pypy-dev-issue at codespeak.net>

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