[pypy-issue] [issue948] Low performance on Stackless PyPy compared to Stackless Python

Carlos de Paula tracker at bugs.pypy.org
Thu Dec 1 19:24:54 CET 2011

New submission from Carlos de Paula <carlosedp at gmail.com>:

I tested the 1.7 release on Windows XP using some Stackless Python examples I 

Most of them worked fine, the only problem is that the performance when using 
Stackless is way slower than the 2.7.1 Stackless build from stackless.com

Here is one example:

Stackless Python 2.7.1

E:\Dev\Python\Scripts\Stackless>\Apps\stackless2.7\python.exe speed.py
Started sleep for 5  seconds.
Started sleep for 0.2  seconds.
Started sleep for 2  seconds.
Started sleep for 1  seconds.
Started sleep for 3  seconds.
100000  operations took:  0.18700003624  seconds.
Woke after  0.2  seconds. ( 0.203000068665 )
200000  operations took:  0.344000101089  seconds.
300000  operations took:  0.5  seconds.
400000  operations took:  0.625  seconds.
500000  operations took:  0.733999967575  seconds.
Woke after  1  seconds. ( 1.0 )
Woke after  2  seconds. ( 2.0 )
Woke after  3  seconds. ( 3.0 )
Woke after  5  seconds. ( 5.0 )

PyPy 1.7

E:\Dev\Python\Scripts\Stackless>..\..\..\sandbox\pypy-1.7\pypy.exe speed.py
Started sleep for 5  seconds.
Started sleep for 0.2  seconds.
Started sleep for 2  seconds.
Started sleep for 1  seconds.
Started sleep for 3  seconds.
Woke after  0.2  seconds. ( 0.234999895096 )
Woke after  1  seconds. ( 1.0 )
Woke after  2  seconds. ( 2.0 )
Woke after  3  seconds. ( 3.0 )
Woke after  5  seconds. ( 5.0 )
100000  operations took:  13.8280000687  seconds.
200000  operations took:  25.25  seconds.
300000  operations took:  34.3599998951  seconds.
400000  operations took:  41.2819998264  seconds.
500000  operations took:  46.015999794  seconds.

The example used is attached as 'speed.py'

Probably this is due to JIT being disabled when using Stackless features.

Other than the performance, it's working fine with some examples I tested from: 

files: speed.py
messages: 3526
nosy: carlosedp, pypy-issue
priority: performance bug
status: unread
title: Low performance on Stackless PyPy compared to Stackless Python

PyPy bug tracker <tracker at bugs.pypy.org>
-------------- next part --------------
import stackless
import time

sleepingTasklets = []
def Sleep(secondsToWait):
    Yield the calling tasklet until the given number of seconds have passed.
    channel = stackless.channel()
    endTime = time.time() + secondsToWait
    sleepingTasklets.append((endTime, channel))
    # Block until we get sent an awakening notification.

def CheckSleepingTasklets():
    Function for internal uthread.py usage.
    while stackless.getruncount() > 1 or sleepingTasklets:
        if len(sleepingTasklets):
            endTime = sleepingTasklets[0][0]
            if endTime <= time.time():
                channel = sleepingTasklets[0][1]
                del sleepingTasklets[0]
                # We have to send something, but it doesn't matter what as it is not used.

def doStuff(mult=1):
    st = time.time()
    c = 0
    for i in xrange(int(100000*mult)):
        c = c + 1
    print 100000*mult, " operations took: " , time.time() - st , " seconds."

def sleepalittle(howmuch):
    print "Started sleep for", howmuch, " seconds."
    st = time.time()
    print "Woke after ", howmuch, " seconds. (", time.time()-st, ")"



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