[PyPy-issue] [issue559] pypy jit doesn't build on 64-bit machine

Zeev Tarantov pypy-dev-issue at codespeak.net
Fri Sep 24 06:07:39 CEST 2010

New submission from Zeev Tarantov <zeev.tarantov at gmail.com>:

pypy trunk revision 77317
command line python translate.py --opt=jit targetpypystandalone.py
cpython 2.6.5
gcc gcc version 4.5.2-pre rev. 164254
Gentoo Linux ~amd64 (64bit unstable)

looks like it coldn't compile any of the C code.

[translation:ERROR] Error:
[translation:ERROR]  Traceback (most recent call last):
[translation:ERROR]    File "translate.py", line 289, in main
[translation:ERROR]     drv.proceed(goals)
[translation:ERROR]    File "/home/wolf/pypy-trunk/pypy/translator/driver.py",
line 800, in proceed
[translation:ERROR]     return self._execute(goals, task_skip = self._maybe_skip())
[translation:ERROR]    File
"/home/wolf/pypy-trunk/pypy/translator/tool/taskengine.py", line 116, in _execute
[translation:ERROR]     res = self._do(goal, taskcallable, *args, **kwds)
[translation:ERROR]    File "/home/wolf/pypy-trunk/pypy/translator/driver.py",
line 293, in _do
[translation:ERROR]     res = func()
[translation:ERROR]    File "/home/wolf/pypy-trunk/pypy/translator/driver.py",
line 563, in task_compile_c
[translation:ERROR]     cbuilder.compile(**kwds)
[translation:ERROR]    File "/home/wolf/pypy-trunk/pypy/translator/c/genc.py",
line 517, in compile
[translation:ERROR]     extra_opts)
[translation:ERROR]    File
"/home/wolf/pypy-trunk/pypy/translator/platform/posix.py", line 183, in
[translation:ERROR]     self._handle_error(returncode, stdout, stderr,
[translation:ERROR]    File
"/home/wolf/pypy-trunk/pypy/translator/platform/__init__.py", line 127, in
[translation:ERROR]     raise CompilationError(stdout, stderr)
[translation:ERROR]  CompilationError: <CompilationError err="make: Entering
directory `/tmp/usession-trunk-0/testing_1'\ngcc -O3 -pthread
-fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-unused -...es_6.s nonfuncnodes_30.s
nonfuncnodes_14.s implement_20.s\nmake: Leaving directory

build log compressed with bzip2 attached

effort: ???
files: build.log.bz2
messages: 1834
nosy: pypy-issue, t_zeev
priority: bug
release: ???
status: unread
title: pypy jit doesn't build on 64-bit machine

PyPy development tracker <pypy-dev-issue at codespeak.net>
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