[pypy-dev] How to fix pypy3 runtime error ?

Hao Wang haow85 at live.com
Mon Nov 29 00:38:53 EST 2021

Dear devs:

I encountered the following error but didn't know how to fix it. Please help.

cpyext, the emulation layer, detected that while it is calling
an object's tp_dealloc, the C code calls back a function that
tries to recreate the PyPy version of the object.  Usually it
means that tp_dealloc calls some general PyXxx() API.  It is
a dangerous and potentially buggy thing to do: even in CPython
the PyXxx() function could, in theory, cause a reference to the
object to be taken and stored somewhere, for an amount of time
exceeding tp_dealloc itself.  Afterwards, the object will be
freed, making that reference point to garbage.
>>> PyPy could contain some workaround to still work if
you are lucky, but it is not done so far; better fix the bug in
the CPython extension.
>>> This object is of type 'pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader'

Bravo !
Hao Wang
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