[pypy-dev] Syscall Interface slowness

Emre Yavuz emre.yavuz169 at gmail.com
Sun May 2 10:16:38 EDT 2021

Hi Carl,

Thank you for informing about the issue link, I’ll be following that. 
Yes, "writelines" took much more longer time in that case I suppose but I would expect them to be same but it’s good to know that with few tweaks it can actually got faster. 

I’ll take a look more on other things made the CLI slower and if I find something interesting, I’ll let you know for sure! 

Emre Yavuz

> On 2 May 2021, at 16:06, Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick <cfbolz at gmx.de> wrote:
> Ah, I found one problem: your script uses .writelines with a string as
> the argument. writelines usually takes an iterator (like a list) but it
> will also work with a string argument, and then do:
> for char in s:
>    w.write(char)
> if I replace the writelines(...) with a .write(...) it becomes much
> faster, both on cpython and pypy.
> CF
> On 5/2/21 12:49 AM, Emre Yavuz wrote:
>> Hi Carl,
>> Sorry I couldn’t receive your message (probably something wrong in my
>> mail configuration) but I saw the message from digest.
>> I created self contained program for this example. I am using “writelines”
>> *That’s paste bin link to program:*
>> https://pastebin.com/D6auMcwN <https://pastebin.com/D6auMcwN>
>> *Command line:*
>> (devpy) emreyavuz:tmp emreyavuz$ python3 test-writer
>> Time has been spend for copying data 28 secs
>> (devpy) emreyavuz:tmp emreyavuz$ pypy3 test-writer
>> Time has been spend for copying data 118 secs
>> Best,
>> Emre Yavuz

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