[pypy-dev] Results NBabel benchmark CO2 production versus time: good new for PyPy map-improvements

PIERRE AUGIER pierre.augier at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Mon Jan 25 14:44:27 EST 2021


I did some timing and energy consumption measurements with https://www.grid5000.fr/w/Energy_consumption_monitoring_tutorial

I think the results tend to validate the approach used in the branch map-improvements (https://foss.heptapod.net/pypy/pypy/-/tree/branch/map-improvements). I attach one of the first figure including a run using an interpreter build with these changes (http://buildbot.pypy.org/nightly/map-improvements-3.7/pypy-c-jit-latest-linux64.tar.bz2).

To be compared with https://raw.githubusercontent.com/paugier/nbabel/master/py/fig/fig_ecolo_impact_transonic.png taken from Zwart (2020).

The implementation run with PyPy map-improvements is faster than the implementations using Numba, Fortran and C++ (with flags like -Ofast and -march=native activated!) ! It's a great result! Congratulation!

For people interested, the code for the benchmarks and the measurement is here https://github.com/paugier/nbabel

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