[pypy-dev] Pypy

Matti Picus matti.picus at gmail.com
Thu May 21 04:06:37 EDT 2020

On 21/5/20 5:49 am, Valerij “Derad6709” Lebedev wrote:
> Hey sorry pls I can’t install builded nightly versions to my ubuntu... 
> i tried to create symlink but pip (pypy3 -mpip install installing 
> packages to the Python, not to pypy with symlink) could you help me, 
> how can I install nigthly version at my ubuntu easily? Thank you 🙏

If you mean that `pypy -mpip install ...` is installing to a different 
python, perhaps you have some environment variables such as PYTHONPATH 
set. Does `set | grep PYTHON` show anything? What is the full output 
from the comand you are executing?


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