[pypy-dev] pypy.org : Updating the current pypy.org webpage - removing yatiblog README and adding new nikola system instructions ? sphinx vs. nikola

mark doerr mark.doerr at uni-greifswald.de
Mon Mar 30 04:41:48 EDT 2020

You're welcome, Matti, thanks for you fast reply. I will make a proposal 
for an update. Just one question/comment, since you are at the very 
beginning of your new repository: On our SiLA python repository ( 
https://gitlab.com/SiLA2/sila_python ) we are just using sphinx to 
generate the gitLAB static html pages: 
https://sila2.gitlab.io/sila_python/ With the python_docs_theme they 
have exactly the same look as the python.org pages. CI/CD pipeline 
generation is as simple as (see 
https://gitlab.com/SiLA2/sila_python/-/blob/master/.gitlab-ci.yml ) : pages:
- pip install sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme python_docs_theme
- cd docs ; make html
- mv _build/html/ ../public/
- public
- master

That's it. No extra tools, no extra dependency, just python standard documentation tools everyone uses anyway and the final result is very nice and close to what people see from python.org.
It is also very easy to include the pypy source code documentation with autodoc in the html generation.

I do not know, if that was considered, if not, it might be worth considering before doing the final move to nikola.

With best regards,

On 3/30/20 10:10 AM, Matti Picus wrote:
> On 29/3/20 11:43 pm, mark doerr wrote:
>> Hello pypy.org webmasters,
>> while discussing with Armin Rigo the update of the documentation of 
>> sandbox-2 on pypy.org, I realised,
>> that the README (in the root dir of the pypy.org repo) is still 
>> pointing to the old yatiblog pages (source/README - which contains 
>> the old yatiblog instructions).
>> Is someone taking care of updating the instructions to the new Nikola 
>> system (and removing the yatiblog source folder) ?
>> Otherwise I could offer to do a new merge request with the changes.
>> With kind regards,
>> mark
> Yes thanks, that would be great. The README-DO-NOT-EDIT should be 
> merged into the README and adjusted, and all directions should point 
> to running "make" in the top level directory. "make help" could also 
> be improved with a bit more verbosity. There may also be some stray 
> files around that can be deleted.
> Matti
>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>> Subject: 	Re: pypy-sandbox-2 - documentation fix. Branch uploaded
>> Date: 	Sun, 29 Mar 2020 18:41:52 +0200
>> From: 	mark doerr <mark.doerr at uni-greifswald.de>
>> Organization: 	University Greifswald
>> To: 	Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
>> Hi Armin,
>> on a second look, I realised, that pypy moved from yatiblog to nikola.
>> Is that true ? Then the README.rst in root is wrong: it still points 
>> to source/README (which is the old yatiblog pages and gives yatiblog 
>> instructions).
>> Are the pages in the "pages" folder be used currently by your system 
>> (I guess that nikola takes the pages from "pages" to build the static 
>> html) ?
>> Maybe the main README should also be updated ? Is someone taking care 
>> of this ?
>> With kind regards,
>> mark
>> On 3/29/20 6:09 PM, mark doerr wrote:
>>> Hi Armin,
>>> I wondering, why you had two different repos, one and github and one 
>>> on foss.
>>> It is good that you bundled the development on one site.
>>> It is not a big problem, that you deleted my files, I still have 
>>> them as a local copy.
>>> I will add the changes to the repo on foss.heptapod tonight (I just 
>>> realised, that the pypy people use yatiblog - it seems that it 
>>> converts reStructured text into static html, which is nice.)
>>> In my old commit, I changed the generated html code directly, which 
>>> was not nice ;)
>>> I will send you a note, when changes are in ...
>>> A bientôt,
>>> mark
>>> On 3/29/20 2:19 PM, Armin Rigo wrote:
>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>> Oops.  We lost your pull request on
>>>> https://github.com/pypy/pypy-website because we killed that repo
>>>> (which was never meant to be there).  The real repo is at
>>>> https://foss.heptapod.net/pypy/pypy.org .  If you still have your
>>>> changes locally, could you make a merge request on the real repo?
>>>> Thank you!
>>>> A bientôt,
>>>> Armin.
>> -
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Dr. mark doerr
Working group: Prof. Uwe T. Bornscheuer
Institute of Biochemistry
Dept. of Biotechnology & Enzyme Catalysis
University of Greifswald
Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 4
D-17487 Greifswald

+49 (0)3834-420-4411
+49 (0)3834-420-4391 (Secr.)
+49 (0)3834-420-794367

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