[pypy-dev] Moving PyPy to https://foss.heptapod.net

Armin Rigo armin.rigo at gmail.com
Wed Feb 5 17:57:52 EST 2020

Hi Matti,

Thank you for all the organizational work!

On Wed, 5 Feb 2020 at 10:59, Matti Picus <matti.picus at gmail.com> wrote:
>    - changes our default workflow to "Publishing is restricted to
> project masters" (I think that means only project masters can push/merge
> to published branches, but am not sure about the terminology), however
> we could override that

-1  (who is a project master? do we need the distinction between two
levels of membership at all for anything technical?)

>    - disallows personal forks on the instance

-1  (any reason why?)

> - decide which repos to abandon. On the issue above I proposed
> transferring only a subset of our bitbucket repos, please make sure your
> favorite is included

I suppose I'm +0.5 on dropping the old and unused repos.  We still
have them around anyway in the sense that any one of us with a copy
can re-publish them somewhere at any point.  (See also below.)

> - block changes to the active branches (default, py3.6, py3.7 of pypy,
> and the HEAD branch of the other repos); any new contributions will have
> to be done via the heptapod instance

So you mean, we would still be allowed to push into the various repos
on bitbucket as long as it is not on these main branches?  Unsure why.

> - what to do about downloads? It is not clear that the gitlab instance
> has a place for artifacts. Assume we find a solution, how far back do we
> want to keep versions?

Would it be possible to just keep this on bitbucket and point to it?
I understand the idea of stopping all mercurial services, but a priori
they won't delete everything else too?  If they do, maybe we just need
a hack like convert the pypy repo to git on bitbucket (and then never
use it).  Same for the wiki.  And for all our many-years-old dead
repos---we can convert them in-place to git if that means they can
stay there.

Of course all this is assuming we're fine with keeping a few
historical things on bitbucket.  If you decide you'd prefer to have
nothing more to do with bitbucket soon and they should die instead of
continuing to get however little publicity we'd continue to give them
by doing that, then I would understand too.

A bientôt,


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