[pypy-dev] Building PyPy for FreeBSD, OpenBSD

figdev at tutanota.com figdev at tutanota.com
Sun Aug 30 08:46:02 EDT 2020

This is more about OpenBSD than FreeBSD (I've talked to maintainers for each) but I'm curious about the requirements for building PyPy (especially 2.7 compatible) from source.

For GNU/Linux I just download the binary you provide, but OpenBSD maintainers have to build it themselves. (There was a FreeBSD binary here, 64-bit only, a long time ago.)

For FreeBSD, they have having loads of trouble because they have deprecated CPython 2.7, which they use to build PyPy. I bet you can use PyPy to build PyPy, but if you're doing everything from source that's a Catch-22 if you don't have CPython, isn't it? (You would think they would just compile from a previous binary).

I realise this email could be a bit confusing, but I assume the PyPy devs have a plan if for example, EOL CPython should disappear from official/trusted sources.

== I'm more curious about the future of building PyPy in general (on any platform) and what the PyPy devs intend to do-- mirror CPython? Is there a roadmap? == Please note, my primary attraction to PyPy is its 2.x compatibility. I've read your FAQ and it's nice and reassuring overall-- it's the details that are left out I'm curious about. There are BSD devs (from both FreeBSD and OpenBSD I think) who would love to know more.  I'd love to know whatever you can tell me about this.
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