[pypy-dev] upcoming release

andy l springchantboxer at gmail.com
Sun Nov 24 16:11:49 EST 2019

Hi Matti,

If you are working on packaging it certainly makes sense to get the Windows
installer working. I believe a large chunk of the work is done.

The only thing I can think of that is missing there is that there is no
integration with the buildbot. That would have to be modified some how to
call the packaging script after the binaries have been built.


On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 6:03 PM Matti Picus <matti.picus at gmail.com> wrote:

> I would like to do a release of pypy soon. The biggest change from 7.2
> is that we changed the SOABI to pypy27_pp73 (or pp36_pp73) to better
> hanlde packaging. Since a new release of pip will depend on our SOABI, I
> would like the release to happen soon. I am proposing this be "7.3.0"
> and not "8.0.0".
> Are there any outstanding issues we should fix before a new release?
> Packaging PyPy:
> I have been on changing our build/packaging on linux to produce a binary
> based on portable-pypy. My motivation is to enable projects like
> multibuild or cibuildwheels to download binary versions of PyPy from a
> single source. Is this a priority?
> The wininstaller branch provides an installer based on the CPython one.
> It works. Should we release it now? Is this a priority?
> Thanks for feedback
> Matti
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