[pypy-dev] Mercurial mini-sprint in Leipzig / possible PyPy sprint around that time?

Manuel Jacob me at manueljacob.de
Tue Jul 23 22:54:19 EDT 2019


Although this mail is a bit off-topic, I decided to send it to the PyPy 
mailing list as well.  PyPy is one of the bigger open source projects 
using Mercurial.  This increases the chance that there is some overlap, 
especially considering that we want to improve the hosting and 
contribution situation ourselves.  Also, there might be an opportunity 
to organize a PyPy sprint around the same time.  The time of the 
Mercurial sprint is not yet fixed and when it is, it might already be 
too late to organize a PyPy sprint, but let’s see.

Here’s the mail I've sent to the Mercurial mailing list:

In addition to the sprints that are hosted about every two minor 
releases, the Mercurial community organizes so called "mini-sprints" in 
irregular intervals.

I attended the mini-sprint in April in Paris and I liked the experience, 
so I offered to organize one in Leipzig.  This email is to gather 
information about potential participants and their time preferences.

So what's the goal of the mini-sprint?  It's an opportunity for existing 
developers to collaborate in person.  But even more important, it's a 
chance for mere users to become contributors.  So no matter whether you 
are a long-term contributor or someone wanting to start hacking on 
Mercurial, you will be welcome.

The sprint will be 2-4 days long, depending on demand.  For us, some 
time in August would be ideal.

The location will be an office in Leipzig, which is easily reachable by 
train.  For example, from Paris it's about 8h for about 60€ – 120€.  
 From Frankfurt airport it's about 3h for about 20€ – 50€.  It provides 
space for around 10 people (more on weekends).

Lunch will be provided for a contribution towards expenses.  At least 2 
sleeping facilities can be provided free of charge.

I've created a poll for finding a date: 

Please spread the word by forwarding the mail or the link to the poll.


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