[pypy-dev] Python 2 vs Python 3 again, and a 2.x-only dependency

Ryan Gonzalez rymg19 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 00:33:54 EDT 2019

I'm actually largely wondering if RPython is going to eventually move to

On Mon, Jul 15, 2019, 6:25 PM Dan Stromberg <drsalists at gmail.com> wrote:

> What is Pypy planning to do with Python 2.x, now that many packages on
> Pypi are dropping Python 2.x support?
> EG, I believe Pypy caters to Scientific Computing, but with Numpy
> dropping Python 2.x support, will Pypy3 become the more relevant version
> of Pypy?
> Will Numpypy be revived?
> Will there be a pypypi or something similar-to-but-different-from pypi
> just for pypy?
> Will 2.x in Pypy become mostly relevant for RPython, and not most
> developer projects written in Python that use Pypy?
> I'm asking mostly because I have a large, complex dependency that isn't
> planning to move to Python 3.x, and I'm wondering if Pypy 2.x might be
> what we need to keep that code alive. But with Numpy and other
> dependencies dropping 2.x, that might not be enough.
> Thanks for Pypy, BTW.  I really like it a lot.
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