[pypy-dev] PyPy 3 for Windows 64-bit systems - no download link available

Matti Picus matti.picus at gmail.com
Sun Oct 28 07:11:25 EDT 2018

 > On +2018-10-27 11:55:11 -0700, wlavrijsen at lbl.gov wrote:
>> as I'm struggling with Windows at the moment, I may have an answer ...
>> I find that for CPython3, sys.maxsize is (2**31)-1 on 32-bits Python and
>> (2**63)-1 for 64-bits Python builds. With sys.maxint being a Python2 thing,
>> it may be different there, but it seems 3 at least is perfectly consistent.
>> Best regards,
>>             Wim
>> -- 
>> WLavrijsen at lbl.gov    --    +1 (510) 486 6411    --    www.lavrijsen.net
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> Does (2**63)-1 work because size is unsigned (presumably?)
> and (2**63) is then valid as an intermediate value before subtracting 1,
> whereas for a signed maxint, the intermediate value would have to
> be specialcased or the value written maybe like (2**62-1)+(2**62) ?
> Or does it involve a bigint representation somewhere?
> Regards,
> Bengt Richter

The sys.maxint vs sys.maxsize difference is the first thing that appears 

There is a nice plan there to transition to a win64 python2 (which we 
need since rpython is written in python2) where sys.maxint == 
sys.maxsize == 2**63-1, and to continue from there to a pypy2 that can 
translate rpython.


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