[pypy-dev] Mysterious IndexError in service running with PyPy

hubo hubo at jiedaibao.com
Mon Jan 8 04:28:08 EST 2018

I understand. I'm just trying to figure out the triggering condition so I can reproduce it easier, and might finally submit a plan to reproduce.



发件人:Armin Rigo <armin.rigo at gmail.com>
发送时间:2018-01-05 16:58
主题:Re: [pypy-dev] Mysterious IndexError in service running with PyPy
收件人:"hubo"<hubo at jiedaibao.com>
抄送:"PyPy Developer Mailing List"<pypy-dev at python.org>

Hi Hubo, 

On 5 January 2018 at 09:19, hubo <hubo at jiedaibao.com> wrote: 
> This issue is reproduced on PyPy 5.9. I will collect running information 
> (local variables, etc.) for hints. 

As I said, this is unlikely to help (unless of course there is a bug 
in your program logic and you find it by looking at the value of local 
variables).  We need a way to reproduce the problem ourselves, and 
then we can attack it with lower-level tools like gdb, rr, and so on. 
Without it, we can't do anything. 

A bientôt, 

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