[pypy-dev] [EXTERNAL] Re: Help with PyTuple_SetItem error

Hart, William E wehart at sandia.gov
Tue Feb 6 06:28:16 EST 2018


Thanks for the update.  I agree with your analysis.

Bethany Nicholson and I concluded that the SciPy team isn't currently supporting PyPy, based on additional information we found online.

We'll alert the scipy developers about this issue.  



On 2/4/18, 10:54 AM, "Armin Rigo" <armin.rigo at gmail.com> wrote:

    Hi Hart,
    On 2 February 2018 at 17:43, Hart, William E <wehart at sandia.gov> wrote:
    > References the exception `SystemError('PyTuple_SetItem called on tuple after
    > use of tuple")’ but it’s not clear when/why this exception gets triggered.
    It's because scipy uses the CPython C API in a way that is arguably
    wrong, but most likely works fine on CPython.
    It would help if you can track down the source code of the .c file
    with the call to PyTuple_SetItem() that causes the crash.  I tried to
    install scipy on my laptop but it seems to be quite involved so I gave
    up for now (it depends on non-Python packages).
    A bientôt,

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