[pypy-dev] A small bug in cppyy's setup.py

wlavrijsen at lbl.gov wlavrijsen at lbl.gov
Wed Oct 11 13:17:08 EDT 2017


yes, or rather:

  +    add_pkg = ['cppyy']

Anyway, is in, thanks!

I was off on a tangent now that PyPy 5.9 is released. For that matter,
the cppyy-backend package has been updated, too. PyPy 5.7-5.9 will have the
0.2.x branch, later is now 0.3.x. Change is minor, but needed for templated
constructors (as is the case for the boost example on the intro page of the

I'm currently trying to fix up all I want for PyPy, to get it in early and
be on-time for the next release. :) I was hoping to get more into 5.9, but
sat on it for too long. It's all minor stuff: naming etc. to get consistent
results between PyPy and CPython in things like help() and exceptions, but
these small differences can get very annoying very quickly.

After that, first priority will be to setup nightly builds, to catch things
like the above. I hardly ever run p3 myself, for example.

> P.S. If a bug report, or a PR is preferred, please advise.

Well, this is a CPython/cppyy specific problem, so it's highly unlikely to
be of interest on pypy-dev. Therefore, I'd recommend using:


Or e-mail me directly. Thanks!

Best regards,
WLavrijsen at lbl.gov    --    +1 (510) 486 6411    --    www.lavrijsen.net

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