[pypy-dev] [pypy-commit] pypy default: "eh". On pypy we need to be careful in which order we have pendingblocks.

Armin Rigo armin.rigo at gmail.com
Sun Nov 19 17:07:02 EST 2017


On 9 November 2017 at 10:07, Antonio Cuni <anto.cuni at gmail.com> wrote:
> I suppose that the explanation that you put in the commit message should
> also go in a comment inside the source code, else when someone sees it it's
> just obscure.

Done in d00a16ef468f.  I reverted the addition of ShuffleDict, and
instead made a two-lines tweak to the logic at the place where
ordering matters---with a long comment :-)

A bientôt,


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