[pypy-dev] How do you pass in data from pypy interpreter to backend ?

Shubha Ramani shubharamani at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 2 09:48:57 EST 2017

Not "all the way to the Background. Typo. Meant to say all the way to the backend".
How do I pass pyframe pycode bits to the backend at runtime ? 

Sent from Shubha Ramani's iPhone 7

> On Jan 2, 2017, at 6:47 AM, Shubha Ramani <shubharamani at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I've really been struggling with this. For instance pycode from pyframe. I would like to pass along a data structure containing pycode tidbits all the way to the background but cannot figure out a way.
> Any clues would be appreciated !
> Shubha

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