[pypy-dev] numpy Installation in pypy on window 7 with python ver. 3.6

이대수 danelee2601 at naver.com
Fri Dec 22 23:02:45 EST 2017

Hi, I've been trying to install "numpy" in pypy using pip install numpy.
I'm using window7(64bit) and the python ver. 3.6.
And I downloaded "Windows binary (32bit) (you might need the VS 2008 runtime library installer vcredist_x86.exe.)"
- The above version is for python 2.7 and window 32 bit.
Despite the facts, I just downloaded it and installed pip for pypy.
though it worked, the error kept showing up when I tried to install numpy, using "pip install numpy".
Here's the question.
1. Would it work if I install "Windows binary (32bit) (you might need the VS 2008 runtime library installer vcredist_x86.exe.)" this version on window7(64bit) with python ver. 2.7 ? 
2. Or do I have to use "window(64bit) & python ver.2.7"?  (I'm asking since I saw somebody say "This version now works on window 64bit too!"). 
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