[pypy-dev] Looking into numpy ndarray.flags.writeable

Eli Stevens (Gmail) wickedgrey at gmail.com
Sun May 22 01:51:24 EDT 2016

Ah-ha!  Renaming the class seemed to do the trick. Is that documented
anywhere? Similarly, is there a full list of the things that are
available to AppTestXXX classes? It took quite a bit of trial and
error to figure out that "with py.test.raises" wasn't available, but
"raises" was (I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to import
py.test, though now I know what to look for, I see that there are
already examples of raises use in test_flagsobj.py.  Sigh.).

In any case, I'm able to run the tests and see my code executing now,
so that's good.

What does the method name prefix 'descr_' imply?

I'm now stuck trying to understand the relationship between the
application level myarray.flags and the flag instances on
BaseConcreteArray subclasses.

I now have this situation:

In the AppTest my array has id 0x110d648d0. The writeable flag is
False, according to printing a.flags (I set it in the test, having
added that code to W_FlagsObject.descr_set_writeable, which also seems
to be behaving).

In BaseConcreteArray.descr_setitem the orig_arr id is 0x110d648d0,
orig_arr.w_flags is None, and self.flags is 0x507, with writeable
being 0x400. Any ideas? I've pushed up what I have so far.


On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 1:52 PM, Ronan Lamy <ronan.lamy at gmail.com> wrote:
> Le 20/05/16 21:21, Eli Stevens (Gmail) a écrit :
>> Here you go:
>> https://bitbucket.org/elistevens/pypy/commits/branch/numpy_flags_writeable
> The name of your class needs to start with 'AppTest', so that our test
> runner knows it needs to use the black magic that enables application-level
> tests (i.e. tests that run on top of our PyPy interpreter itself running on
> top of your regular Python).
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