[pypy-dev] Looking into numpy ndarray.flags.writeable

Matti Picus matti.picus at gmail.com
Wed May 18 11:42:56 EDT 2016

On 18/05/16 08:43, Eli Stevens (Gmail) wrote:
> The following works on cpython, but fails on pypy:
>      import numpy as np
>      def test_writeable():
>          a = np.zeros((2,2), np.int8)
>>        a.flags.writeable = False
> E       TypeError: readonly attribute
> So I went and installed pypy's fork of numpy from source, and tried to
> start poking around looking for tests, etc. to see what was going on.
> It looks like numpy/core/tests/test_multiarray.py
> TestFlags.test_writeable is doing something similar, but when I
> attempt to run the tests like so:
> pypy -c "import numpy; numpy.test()"
> (Is that the right way to do it?)
> ...
Thanks for looking into this. It seems there are two seperate issues, 
the failure to set flag attributes and the failure to run tests.
Could you give a few more details about how to reproduce the second 
problem: which pypy and how did you obtain it, and how you 
built/installed numpy into it? What imports did you have to change?
You shouldn't have to change imports, but it is entirely possible that 
we have overlooked something.

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