[pypy-dev] please help. Why can't I do a pdb.set_trace() in llmodel.py at said line ?

Matti Picus matti.picus at gmail.com
Mon Dec 5 15:47:22 EST 2016

On 05/12/16 22:40, Shubha Ramani via pypy-dev wrote:

> Even if Jit is invoked during rpython translation ? Why not Armin ?
> I do see an assembler.py under rpython/jit/backend/x86
Note that this code is located under the jit directory. It is part of 
the JIT machinery,
which kicks in to compile hot loops to assembly at runtime.

The JIT is a tracing JIT, there is no general ahead-of-time compilation 
of code to assembler during translation

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