[pypy-dev] please help. Why can't I do a pdb.set_trace() in llmodel.py at said line ?

Shubha Ramani shubharamani at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 5 14:40:47 EST 2016

OK. Please kindly give me a helpful nudge here. I have read this :https://morepypy.blogspot.com/2011/04/tutorial-part-2-adding-jit.html

What I want to do is debug the translation to byte code process. How best to do that ? Use python print ?Since pdb is not going to work, I need some other way to debug. What can I do ?
Shubha Shubha D. Ramanishubharamani at gmail.com
shubharamani at yahoo.com 

    On Monday, December 5, 2016 11:32 AM, Armin Rigo <armin.rigo at gmail.com> wrote:

 Hi Shubha,

You're trying to translate code that uses pdb.set_trace().  You can't do that.  If you intend to debug that code, run it normally, don't try to translate it.


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