[pypy-dev] State of GUI toolkits with PyPy?

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Sun Sep 20 09:27:03 CEST 2015

Hi Eric,

Thanks for this list that summarizes the situation!  It's information
that we should put or link to from somewhere (the FAQ?).

Maybe it should be put in the compatibility wiki, but that wiki looks
really, really outdated now, to the point that fijal suggested that we
might as well close it down.  The experiment of crowd-sourcing this
wiki has failed.

Nowadays you can, more and more often, go to the other project's
website or PyPI page and see a mention about the PyPy compatibility
status there.  But it doesn't help much when gathering a list of all
GUI toolkits available (say).  So I would say that we should clean up
from our wiki all projects with "not working" or "unknown" status (go
check yourself what that project's PyPI page says), and then update it
to contain at least Eric's list in the "GUI" section.  Does anyone
feel like doing that?  If not, we will close down the wiki and add the
list to the FAQ with a date.

A bientôt,


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