[pypy-dev] pypy + cProfile

Stanislav Bohm stanislav.bohm at vsb.cz
Fri May 15 09:44:38 CEST 2015

On 05/14/2015 11:18 AM, Armin Rigo wrote:
> Hi Stanislav,
> Then it looks likely to be a "randomness" issue: details in your
> program are JIT-compiled differently when cProfile is enabled.  For
> example, cProfile makes traces longer and this can change a few
> heuristics.  It's likely that by tweaking your program a bit randomly
> you can also get the same 20% variation.

Thank you for the answer. I have tried to benchmark some older versions 
of my program before series of program core modifications, but results 
have still the same characteristics, pypy is slower than CPython, 
pypy+cProfile is faster than CPython. Hence I am afraid that a random 
tweaking does not help me.

On 05/15/2015 08:05 AM, Armin Rigo wrote:
> That's idle speculation at this point.  I can't say more without
> trying to look exactly at what occurs in this example, which I'm
> unsure is a good way to spend my time --- but I'd be glad to if
> Stanislav says he really wants to know in more details.

I am very curious to discover the root of the problem and I am ready for 
a cooperation. At least, I would like to end with an argument as "--jit 
MAGIC_VALUE=123" than with enabling cProfile for a better performance:)
But I completely understand that you do not have time to dig into my 

Best regards,
Stanislav Bohm

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