[pypy-dev] Custom types for annotating a flow object space

Henry Gomersall heng at cantab.net
Mon Mar 23 09:53:27 CET 2015

On 23/03/15 08:33, Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:
> I must say we had quite a bit of a discussion and it seems we did not
> understand what are you trying to achieve. What is the goal of what
> you're doing? Translating MyHDL (or verilog) to rpython and compiling
> it? Something else? Writing the converter itself in RPython?
Ah, my apologies for not being clear. The goal is to translate RPython 
(MyHDL) to VHDL or Verilog.

Essentially, the valid _convertible_ MyHDL would have the constraint of 
being restricted to RPython. This is essentially a mix of hardware 
specific types, some simple types and control flow (it's inside a simple 
generator, and the function is wrapped in a decorator to provide some 
hardware specific semantics, but I suspect this is not helpful detail).

So, we have a series of generators in which the generator code, and all 
types referenced inside the generator are either written in RPython, or 
are conceptually a base type (that is, a type that should not be 
burrowed into and is a direct representation of a hardware feature), 
that describes the activity of hardware.

The intention would be to use PyPy to translate these RPython blocks 
into VHDL or Verilog.

There is support code that is normal python that surrounds these 
generators which is normal Python, but that is just essentially to set 
up the name space and attributes of the generator, which is then 
returned as the active object.

Does that all make more sense?



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