[pypy-dev] For Donations, List How Much is Left (or Spent)?

Donald Stufft donald at stufft.io
Mon Jun 1 22:05:03 CEST 2015

On June 1, 2015 at 4:00:09 PM, Donald Stufft (donald at stufft.io) wrote:
> Hey!
> So out of someone complaining about PyPy's lack of an up to date port of
> Python 3, it struck me that for someone just now looking into PyPy it looks
> like PyPy is sitting on almost 60k USD in order to port PyPy3 from 3.2 to 3.4.
> However the reality (via fijall) is that most of it, roughly 50k has already
> been spent going from nothing to 3.2. It might be a good idea to have the
> numbers reflect how much of the fundraised money has already been spent so that
> people get a more accurate reflection on just how much money there is left to
> take the task at hand from where it is now to where folks want it to be. My
> assumption is that people are going to feel a lot more like their money is
> going to be useful if it's not just adding onto the tail of what looks to be
> a fairly major pot of money and thus are more likely to actually donate.
> This of course doesn't just apply to Python 3 porting, the same thing is true
> for all of the fundraisers that PyPy is running. Without more information I
> have no way to evaluate if PyPy is sitting with cash reserves for that task
> and it's waiting for someone to work on it, or if it's mostly gone and it needs
> more funding to get any more effort applied to it.

Also, if you read the actual proposal for Python 3, the last update to it says:

    Thanks to our donors, we have raised 45% of the total so far. Work on this
    topic has been happening, and continues to happen, within the budget – even
    if not within the timeline described below. We have simply not found enough
    time to work on it as much as we wanted, and thus did not consume the money
    as quickly as predicted. The ratio “progress / $ used” so far corresponds
    roughly to what we expected. The document below is the original call for
    proposal, and we still accept donations for this topic.

Which would read to me like it confirms the above, that there is a surplus of
money just sitting around waiting for someone to actually get around to working
on the port and spend that money.

Donald Stufft
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