[pypy-dev] How to embed PyPy when there's no filesystem?

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Mon Apr 27 18:43:19 CEST 2015

Hi Tom,

On 27 April 2015 at 18:10,  <tom at twhanson.com> wrote:
> We can't hard-code the scripts into the binary becuase their purpose is to
> adapt behavior to new configurations.  Because of this the scripts will be
> read from an external source and then executed.  This is what makes the the
> stdin/stdout streaming version attractive.

I just said "statically into the binary" as an example.  Of course you
can get the string from anywhere, like from reading an external
source.  Once you got it into a "char *", you can pass it to

A bientôt,


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