[pypy-dev] Which pypy with >=3.3 Python compatibility

Mike Müller mmueller at python-academy.de
Mon Apr 13 17:55:33 CEST 2015

Am 13.04.15 um 17:42 schrieb Amaury Forgeot d'Arc:
> Hi,
> 2015-04-13 17:29 GMT+02:00 Mike Müller <mmueller at python-academy.de
> <mailto:mmueller at python-academy.de>>:
>     I need pypy that is Python 3.3 or, even better, Python 3.4 compatible.
>     I can found the nightly builds at http://buildbot.pypy.org//nightly
> There is a branch for the Python 3.3 port, named "py3.3".
> It's not complete, but probably enough for most usages.
> The builds are in the corresponding
> subdirectory: http://buildbot.pypy.org/nightly/py3.3/
> Note that this branch is not built nightly, but only on-demand.
> I just started a new one ("pypy-c-jit-linux-x86-64"),
> let's see if it completes :-)


> As you have guessed, it's still Work In Progress,
> and should be considered as highly experimental.

Ok. Consider me warned. ;)


>     Which one should I use py3.3 or py3k? There are many more version.
>     Should I use one of them?
>     Thanks,
>     Mike
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> -- 
> Amaury Forgeot d'Arc

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