[pypy-dev] Will pypy reach performance of HHVM?(one Day)

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Sun Sep 7 08:12:21 CEST 2014

Hi all,

On 7 September 2014 03:01, Maciej Fijalkowski <fijall at gmail.com> wrote:
> did you read my previous post how this is apples to oranges? You
> should setup some more barebone thing than tornado to "compare"

Maybe we should mention that PyPy's JIT technology, when applied
straight to the Hippy VM, gives a PHP that is comparable in speed to
HHVM.  PyPy itself has seen Python-specific optimizations for a longer
time than Hippy for PHP, however.

Anyway, our point is that questions like "when will PyPy be as fast as
HHVM" are loaded with the implicit assumption "on this benchmark set
X".  We might as well answer "PyPy has been much faster than today's
HHVM since many years" since that's true on benchmark set Y.
Actually, there are such benchmark sets (which we trust more because
they try to compare apples to apples) showing PyPy to be in the same
ballpark performance as V8.  But feel free to trust whatever benchmark
set you want, obviously.

Personally I would ditch PHP in favour of a more reasonable language
any day of the week.  Then I'd check that the final performance of my
rewritten app is still ok on <insert interpreter here>.  I bet it
would be.

A bientôt,


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