[pypy-dev] [pypy-commit] pypy default: investigate mark_opaque_ptr

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Tue Oct 14 09:26:10 CEST 2014

Hi Hakan,

On 13 October 2014 18:59, Hakan Ardo <hakan at debian.org> wrote:
> Are we certain opaque pointers always refer to GC-objects?


> Right, but mark_opaque_ptr prevents this case as well by not moving
> operations using opaque pointers into the short preamble. So I guess
> we are currently fine?

I'm not sure: the logic in optimizeopt/heap.py seems to be "if it's an
opaque pointer, and if we don't know its class, then don't move it".
According to this logic, operations on RPython instances (like
GUARD_CLASS) can still be moved to the short preamble.  Maybe I'm
missing something else?

A bientôt,


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