[pypy-dev] trying to install aubio

Matti Picus matti.picus at gmail.com
Sat Nov 15 19:04:37 CET 2014

Hi. Thanks for trying out PyPy.
It appears you did not install pypy's version of numpy into the pypy you 
are using. Directions for that are here 
Note however that the package you are trying to install will not 
compile, and even if it did it would be quite slow, as stated in our FAQ 
which perhaps should be rewritten as "just use cffi instead".
For what it is worth, once numpy is installed to pypy, building aubio 
gives me this error:

fatal error: numpy/ufuncobject.h: No such file or directory

which may improve (but will never be as fast as cffi) in a future 
release of pypy as we are working on a ufuncapi branch. Contributions to 
speed this work along are welcome.

It is not clear from your report
On 15/11/14 01:15, Stuart Axon wrote:
> Sorry didn't mean to send that :)
> Here is a link to the output when I try to install it
> piem/aubio <https://github.com/piem/aubio/issues/17>
> S++
> On Friday, November 14, 2014 11:14 PM, Stuart Axon <stuaxo2 at yahoo.com> 
> wrote:
>     Hi,
>        I've been trying to install aubio .. + it looks like it gets
>     stuck because of numpy, and possibly python c bindings .. any idea
>     whats going on ?
>     S++
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