[pypy-dev] Virtualizable Frames getting half removed in trace

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Wed Feb 26 09:45:50 CET 2014

Hi Timothy,

On 25 February 2014 15:06, Timothy Baldridge <tbaldridge at gmail.com> wrote:
> Then I noticed that the trace contained the creation of the argument list,
> but that that list was never made. The trace was also making a call out to
> some C function so that it could do the array = [None] * argc. I couldn't
> get that to go away even with promoting argc.

Ah, digging into it more, it seems that "[None] * argc" is not
correctly optimised if argc is an unsigned number rather than a
regular signed integer, like in your example.  Fixed!

A bientôt,


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