[pypy-dev] trouble compiling p4python api with pypy3

Russ Tremain russt at releasetools.org
Mon Aug 11 21:20:34 CEST 2014

Hi Armin,

Looks like more of a project than what I was wanting to take on, but will give it a look.
Would be nice to consolidate the interface for both pypy and Cpython..


At 9:17 AM +0200 8/11/14, Armin Rigo wrote:
>Hi Russ,
>On 10 August 2014 19:39, Russ Tremain <russt at releasetools.org> wrote:
>> Would it be better to customize the api to comply with the "native" pypy interface?
>The "native" pypy interface is cffi (which also works on CPython,
>btw).  It would definitely give better stability and performance on
>PyPy.  It's more than just adapting some C code here and there,
>though.  http://cffi.readthedocs.org/

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