[pypy-dev] trying out STM for some numbers on more cores

wlavrijsen at lbl.gov wlavrijsen at lbl.gov
Wed Oct 30 23:58:16 CET 2013


On Wed, 30 Oct 2013, Amaury Forgeot d'Arc wrote:
> Also, the process should perform 1000 iterations before you start the
> timings.
> The JIT needs a lot of iterations to be warm-up correctly.

so, each 'iteration' that I had in the table contains an inner loop that
is itself JIT-ed (not verified, but just compare the PyPy-2.1 v.s. CPython
numbers to see how well that works; likewise, if I switch off the JIT, the
result is an xx slowdown compared to CPython). Thus, if '100 iterations,'
the hurt should only be in the first iteration.

Best regards,
WLavrijsen at lbl.gov    --    +1 (510) 486 6411    --    www.lavrijsen.net

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